Earlier today we met up with the folks from Trion Worlds at PAX Prime 2014 to discuss hotly anticipated ArcheAge. Among many other things, we discussed what Trion has learned through both the ongoing testing and especially the recent series of closed beta events. During the course of our discussion, a number of new details emerged that we’ve been eager to share with our readers.
First off, we can confirm that the official launch date for ArcheAge is set for Tuesday, September 16th, with head start beginning on Friday, September 12th. For those of you following along from home, that means we’re just two weeks out from ArcheAge going live.
In between now and then, Open Beta is on track to begin this coming Thursday, September 4th. For those of you looking to lock in a server to call home at launch, we also learned that the server list for open beta will carry over to the live game. So this week you’ll be able to decide which server you’re going to play on at launch which should be very helpful for those of you planning to dive directly into ArcheAge with your guilds or groups of friends.
Once available, the full server list can be found on the official ArcheAge website, and we’ll also be sure to post it here for our readers.
We’ll have more updates and info on ArcheAge from PAX Prime 2014 heading your way soon, but in the meantime you’ll want to mark your calendars for the open beta, head start, and launch dates mentioned above. if you’re looking to learn more about what makes ArcheAge tick, be sure to visit our full game page where you can find a growing list of guides to help get you pointed in the right direction at launch.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our ArcheAge Game Page.