Some games die out long before they've lived up to the potential. Many others never had much going in the first place, yet still hold a place in our hearts.
Really, what it all comes back to is another quote from NetDevil's Scott Brown: The reality is that good games just succeed. Meaning that if a game has failed, it is because it just wasn't good enough.
True though that might be, it's also just as true that a game doesn't have to be the absolute paragon of gaming to be an adored addition to the MMOG landscape.
This article will review some of our most beloved Cancelled MMOGs - the Games We'll Miss The Most. So slip into your Tabula Rasa T-shirt and break out the Asheron's Call 2 ballcap you've had in storage. It's time to tell the tales of some of our favorite games of the past, try to piece together what went wrong, and maybe even take a peak at what they could have been.
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