End of Beta Event

The following news release comes from href="http://vanguardsoh.com">VanguardSoH.com
moderator James "Elrar" Nichols:

With the end of beta upon us we would like to thank
everyone for their
participation! It has been a long journey, but one very well traveled.
We offer this fun filled day of events and tokens of our appreciation
to celebrate Vanguard and the future that lies before it. The event
starts this evening 1/22/07 After the patch and goes until the end of
beta on 1/23/07 at 11:59PM PST

Thank you everyone Vanguard would not be the same without you! We look
forward to spending many years with you and sharing many more events
like this. Enjoy yourselves, this is your party!

Below is a list of events that are happening around the world

Elrar Da Big – To celebrate Vanguard's community Elrar Da Big
will be popping up all over Telon to share great trinkets and items.
These items all have unique effects and are dedicated to the fansites
of the Affiliate Fansite Program.

Bumper Boats! - The seas and rivers of Telon will soon fill with
thousands of tiny and large vessels alike! The Crimson Fellowship will
be ferrying players through the scenic waterways on giant galleons as
players explore them in their personal schooners!

Tele-Tag - Ahgram has been transformed into a war zone as players fight
to find the griffon vendor. Players will be able to get Tele-Taggers at
the entrance to the city, throwing these at another player will cause
them to be teleported back outside of the walls!

Be warned, however! For an ancient evil has awoken from its torpor and
it hungers for fool hardened adventurers!


James "Elrar" Nichols

Half Giant Moderator

Protector of Gnomes

Sigil tells us the events will be taking place only on beta
servers 1 and
3. Hope to see you all there!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Karen is H.D.i.C. (Head Druid in Charge) at EQHammer. She likes chocolate chip pancakes, warm hugs, gaming so late that it's early, and rooting things and covering them with bees. Don't read her Ten Ton Hammer column every Tuesday. Or the EQHammer one every Thursday, either.
