Each week, we'll be bringing you the top performing decks from the most recent top level Hearthstone tournaments. This week, we'll be looking at week 2 of the Archon Team League. Forsen Boys and Nihilum have taken over top of the standings with a 2-0 record, but there's still a lot of games to be played. With both personal and team pride on the line, this tournament gives us great insight into what the players thought the strongest decks are right now. With all of the deck lists available to us, we can see which archetypes were the most popular amongst the pros participating. If you want to know what the strongest deck types are right now, look no further!
1) Oil Rogue
Oil Rogue was the most popular deck in the Team League last week, and it remains at #1 this week. There's no denying the burst and board clear potential of the deck, with Tinker's Sharpsword Oil and Blade Flurry doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Increased spell damage from Bloodmage Thalnos and Azure Drake can really pump up the damage your Flurry will do, while Preparation helps mitigate some of the high cost spells, including the insane card draw of Sprint. Once the deck gets going, it can be incredibly difficult to survive. Here's the deck list that was played by Value Town's Dog:
2) Patron Warrior
While it was always known as a strong deck, pros had strayed away a bit from Patron Warrior in some of the larger major tournaments recently. However, it made a strong resurgence in the Archon Team League, once again proving its worth as one of the strongest decks available when piloted by a talented player. It was the second most popular deck last week, and maintains it's #2 spot here. Make no mistake about it: despite its immense popularity, Patron Warrior is not simple to play. Particularly in a tournament environment against skilled opponents, the player definitely needs to be on top of their game. When they are, Grim Patron, Warsong Commander and Frothing Berserker become some of the scariest cards in the game. This is a true combo deck, yet boasts a fair amount of removal with cards like Whirlwind, Cruel Taskmaster, Execute, and the weapons able to remove threats (with some of those doubling as activators for the Patron and Berserker as well.) If you're ready to GET IN HERE, this is the list that was played by Ostkaka playing for Forsen Boys:
3) Freeze Mage
The only change on this list from last week comes in the #3 spot, where Hunter is overtaken by Freeze Mage. This deck looks to play very passively early on, simply stalling with cards like Ice Barrier, as well as the Frost Nova/Doomsayer combo to keep the board clear. The late game is an entirely different story, as Alexstrasza and Archmage Antonidas mean that just a couple spells can quickly decimate your opponent's life total. Ice Block serves as a way to guarantee an extra turn to set up the kill, while Emperor Thaurissan makes it that much easier to pull off. Freeze Mage is a very reactionary deck for most of the game, but absolutely explodes once it's ready to claim victory. It's not the easiest deck to pilot, but can be extremely effective in the right hands. Let this deck list from Team Archon's Firebat show you what the deck might look like:
That wraps things up for this week, but we want to know your thoughts. What decks have you been having the most success with? What archetype is most likely to become the new flavor of the month? Tell us in the comments below!
Want to know how things compare to the meta of weeks past? Check out our previous top decks articles!
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