It can't be weighed or measured, but there's something inherently
appealing about video game graphics that have a cartoony feel. They're
rarely seen as "ugly" or "poor" when an individual is analyzing the
game, and they often bring a sense of light-heartedness to the game
world that they exist in. Such is the case with style="font-style: italic;">Tales of Pirates, a
game that weighs heavy on the cartoon scale. The Ten Ton Hammer staff
happened to nab a few new images from the game that depict upcoming
monsters, and we'll let you know when more is on the way!

New Tales of
Concept Artwork:

style="width: 640px; height: 300px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
href="" title="Mermaid"> src="/image/view/13796/preview"
width="200"> href=""
title="Orange Thing"> src="/image/view/13795/preview"
width="200"> href=""
title="Purple Thing"> src="/image/view/13794/preview"
width="200"> href=""
title="Bone Dragon"> src="/image/view/13797/preview"
width="200"> href=""
title="Angel and Demon"> src="/image/view/13798/preview"
width="200"> href=""

Ten Ton Hammer is your unofficial source
for Tales of Pirates

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Tales of Pirates Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
