LotRO Weekly Forum Roundup:
Hobbit Talk

By Darkgolem

This weeks forums were more or less (unsurprisingly) about Book
14!  We have, frankly, a couple somewhat angry comments about the
updates.  After this we have a couple technical questions, a post
with speculation (including proof) that we will have session play as
Gandalf at the Mines of Moria, and a counter for how high your server
has gotten with the ring lore quests.  Read it all here!

1. href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=151621">Warnings would
be nice.

 "I don't visit this web site or the various forums often, so
these game updates and new content downloads usually take me by
surprise. I have no beef with adding content to the game, but I would
like to know in advance what the size of the download is going to be
and some approximation of time required. I have been getting the same
updates at my game start-up screen as everyone else that Book 14 was
imminent, but no mention was made, nor any links given (at least none
that I remember seeing) telling me exactly when the new content was
going to be added to my game, nor how long it might take to update the
game. Unlike some folks, I only play during.."

2. href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=151540">Worst Update to

"A summary of my experience today:

Logged on to my Champion. Balrog weapon has been nerfed into vendor
trash. Wig-Feld "buff" was like 18 morale. Wanir-Men buff was 18 power.
Baidhril buff was 45 power. Went to Annuminas, killed about 200
Angmarim hoping for some new Dye recipe....NOPE, ALL RED AND RUST! 6

Logged on to my Burglar. Riddle has been nerfed. No other changes.

Logged on to my Mini. New instrument sounds. Yawn.

Logged on to Captain. Storksjold changed from .9 OCPR to .5 ICPR. Yawn.

Logged on to Guardian. Nada.

Through all this, OOC is bombarded with 100 messages saying TURN IN
YOUR LORE SOS WE CAN DO B14! WE HAVE 1,000/700,000 so far!

Oh, good, was wondering what the time sink would be this time. At least
it's not killing 450 Gauradan in a giant boring frozen area. Of course,
I haven't looked to see how many trolls I'm going to have to kill in
Urugarth--I am just DYING to get into that instance for the 5

I'd call Forochel a worse update, but at least none of my core
gear/skills got nerfed quite so badly..."

3.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=151364">No more tabbing
out of full screen?

"Since the patch, I can't alt-tab to get to my web browser while the
game client is running. Is this just me? If I run in windowed mode I'm
fine. I hope they didn't remove this functionality."

4.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=149100"> Play as

"Ok theres a lot of talk about what or what's not going to be in the
MoM expansion, so I'm gonna put me 2 cents in real quick. I've been
reading the previews like a lot of you have im sure.

First piece of evidence:

One thing caught my eye though, there was a mention that we would be
leaving our characters a lot more. On top of that it was mentioned that
we would come across the balrog but not how we might expect, steefel
goes on to say "but be sure you won't be disappointed".

Next piece of evidence:

my other hint was from this article

where right at the begging it starts and steefel says "You will be
encountering the Balrog during the game in Moria..." then follows with

"Some of that relates to the epic story and when it is that you’re in
Moria, and the encounter will be unlike any other encounter in LOTRO

So here it is I am calling it right now! the first person and i bet you
the farm that I'm right.  my prediction is that you will leave
your character much like you would for monster play, and you will be
able to control and play as Gandalf and fight the balrog mano - e -

this screen shot is from that article too..... why else would they have
concept art of gandalf


MoM is supposed to take place after the balrog has been killed and now
everyone wants into..."

5.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=151509">How far along
is everyone's server?

"How far along in the ring-lore quests are all the servers. As of 8 PM
Gladden was around 650ish..."

And don't forget this week's articles at the LotRO Community here
at Ten Ton Hammer:

  • href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=692">LotRO
    Ring Forges of Eregion Preview
  • href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=685">Creature
    Bestiary: Ered Luin
  • href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=693">Guide
    to Forestry

Comment about this weeks Hobbit Talk href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?p=278745">in our

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Lord of the Rings Online Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
