of Pandaria: Heroic Gate of the Setting Sun
The Gate of the Setting Sun is
a level 90 5-man instance located in the Dead Wastes of Pandaria. What
makes this new instance particularly interesting is that it is only
available for play in heroic mode, something that is almost unheard of
in World of Warcraft. Wondering what the story behind this brand new
instance? Here is what the dungeon journal has to say about the Gate of
the Setting Sun:
For generations, a massive wall
called the Serpent’s Spine has protected the denizens of
Pandaria from periodic assaults by the rampaging, insect-like mantid.
This brutal race’s cycle of aggression recently began earlier
than expected, catching the wall’s defenders off guard. As
the mightiest mantid warriors charge the battle-worn gates, Pandaria
must hold back the most devastating army in the land’s
recorded history.
The task of holding back this
army is substantial and brave warriors, such as yourself will have to
aid in the effort in order for the Pandaren to be victorious. However,
there is no need to rush headlong into the fray totally unprepared.
Read onward to find out everything there is to know about the Gate of
the Setting
Sun including, boss encounters, maps, quests, and
Gate of the Setting Sun Boss
Saboteur Kip’tilak
may look fearsome, but his voice….well you will just have to
hear it for yourself. Going right along with his rather crazy voice are
his equally crazy abilities. The first of Saboteur
Kip’tilak’s abilities is Throw Explosives. The
result of this ability is the appearance of honeycomb like boxes that
will appear randomly on the floor of the room. These boxes are not ones
you want to mess with.. These bombs will only explode via another bombs
explosion, however, when they do explode they send out shock waves in
all four directions, each of which can detonate other bombs. Constant
vigilance is a must when it comes to these bombs.
The second of Saboteur
Kin’tilak’s abilities is Sabotage. When cast, this
ability will allow Kin’tilak to attach four explosives to the
back of a random player. Thankfully, all group members will receive a
flashing warning on their screen telling them who has been affected.
When these bombs explode, they send out charges in all four directions.
To avoid detonating a ton of bombs, and wiping out your group members,
run as fast as you can into the adjoining room.
Kip’tilak’s final ability is called World in Flames
which is just as scary as it sounds and will add even more chaos into
the mix. When Kip’tilak reaches 30 and 60 percent he will
rapidly throw out five sets of Stable Munitions at random locations.
After all five munitions have been thrown, Kip’tilak will
detonate the charges all at once. This can get messy, especially with
everything else that is going on. However, with good damage management,
this fight can be easily completed, perhaps even with a new achievement
under your belt.
Striker Ga’dok is the
second boss in the instance and will be reached after a few trash
pulls, a mini-boss, and a short elevator ride. Striker can be
considered almost a two phase fight. The first being when Striker
Ga’dok is on the ground, where he will cast Prey Time where
he will randomly charge one of your group members and “devour
them”. According to the tooltip this should cause huge
amounts of damage, but in reality it causes very little damage. During
this phase Ga’dok will also cast Impaling Strike, which
impales his current target and causes damage.
When Striker reaches 70 and 30
percent Striker will fly into the air and thus begin what feels like
“phase two” of the fight. Once in the air he will
perform Strafing Run, twice. While casting Strafing Run Striker
Ga’dok will strafe across the platform covering it in flames
as he moves. These flames do a ton of damage and must be avoided at all
costs. Striker will also spawn a few adds that need to be picked up and
managed by the tank in order to successfully complete this phase.
Staying together as a group in a corner and only moving slightly when
need be is the key to victory in this fight.
Next on the list in the Gate of
the Setting Sun is Commander Ri’mok, who is, despite his
fierce appearance, a pretty easy opponent. Ri’mok only has
three main abilities. The first of which is his ability to spawn eight
to ten smaller add with one bigger add thrown in the mix. These adds
will spawn every few seconds. On top of the adds spawning Commander
Ri’mok will cast Viscous Fluid. This ability radiates an area
of green fluid around the boss that increases his damage by 10% plus
causes you to do less damage when standing in it. This means that the
boss will need to be kited and kited
again throughout the fight.
Ri’mok’s third ability is Frenzied Assault wherein
the Commander will launch a frenzied attack causing 50% of his normal
damage in a 9 yard long and 90 degree wide cone every .25 seconds for 6
seconds. This ability will both harm and help your group. It will cause
large amounts of damage to you, however, it also causes
damage to those
pesky adds that keep spawning. Overall this is an easy fight, and as
long as your tank manages the situation and your group makes excellent
use of the space available this boss should drop easily.
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/233296" target="_blank"> style="width: 172px; height: 185px;"src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/233296/preview">
The fourth and final boss in
the instance is Raigonn. This boss has two main stages, the first of
which is Break the Siege. The easiest way to complete this stage is to
have the DPS to use the cannons in the room to blast themselves up onto
the boss’s head where they can attack the “Weak
Spot”. On the ground during this stage mobs will be randomly
spawning. It is the tanks job to pick these mobs up and manage them.
Raigonn will randomly charge, knocking all players from his head.
During this time the DPS should take down any mobs the tank is
currently tanking, then once again use the cannons to launch themselves
on to Raigonn’s head.
When the Weak Spot is defeated
phase two of the fight will begin. This phase of the fight is much like
the Supremus from Black Temple. Every 15 seconds Raigonn will fixate on
a player. This player will need to kite the boss around the room until
he chooses another player to chase after. Along with this, your group
will need to manage Raigonn’s stomp ability that causes large
amounts of damage along with allowing the boss to become more frenzied.
Just when you thought things
couldn’t get more crazy, adds will continue to spawn during
this phase. These adds should be picked up and managed by the tank. On
top of the adds, small whirlwinds will spin about the room. These
whirlwinds should be avoided. To complete this fight the group will
need to be a cohesive force that works methodically to manage
everything that is going on during the fight. Good luck!
Gate of the Setting Sun
Dungeon Map
Gate of the Setting Sun
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
the Signal Flame.
Exp / 45G 80S
Exp / 45G 60S
Gate of the Setting Sun
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
Trigger 15 explosions
within 15 seconds during the Saboteur Kip’tilak encounter.
Gain three stacks of
the Resin Residue by defeating Mantid Conscripts.
Defeat Raigonn without
killing any of the Mantid reinforcements.
Complete the Gate of
the Setting Sun Challenge Mode.
Complete the Gate of
the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of
Silver or better.
Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of
Setting Sun
Defeat Raigonn in the Gate of the Setting Sun on Heroic
Setting Sun Guild Run
Defeat Raigonn in the Gate of the Setting Sun on Heroic Difficulty
while in a guild group.
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