Disney's Pirates of the Carribean themed MMO game has been steaming along for quite some time now and the development team appears to be working as hard now as they ever were. Community Manger Vince outlined a series of changes and optimizations coming to the game:

That said, for the past few months, parts of our development team have been working to optimize Pirates Online. In short, we're significantly improving how the game runs on your machine. This means you'll see less lag, a better frame rate, and other graphical improvements. This also means you'll see some pretty significant changes to a few of our main environments -- like an entirely new Port Royal, and other revised locations. We're really excited about these changes and think you will be too. These new locales feel more like real Caribbean locations, but more importantly will make your overall experience with the game better.

Check out his entire developer diary #13 right here!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Pirates of the Caribbean Online Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
