They'll teach you how too!

With the glut of WoW machinma out there, Pirates of the Burning Seas devs are keen to see their own video game made into some memorable movies. Not only are they asking for this from the community, but they're teaching you how to do so as well, from initial concept through which movie capture software to use, to completion. How handy is that?

Making videos from screen captured content can seem daunting at first. But, with a little practice you can be throwing together great videos of your moments in game. It doesn’t take expensive editing programs or courses in video editing. There are easy to use tools that are free, come with your computers media package or are inexpensive should you wish to purchase. This guide will help you with how to utilize basic software and some tips in planning your game video.

To see all the tips and tricks the devs have to offer, please check Pirates of the Burning Sea.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Pirates of the Burning Sea Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
