David Perry, acclaimed game designer is searching for new talent. However, this time he's not looking toward the already established development houses. He's looking for you! Top Secret, Acclaim's new project, will create a new gaming industry star out of someone from the community. Community members are tasked to submit a game design. When they find the perfect design, the winner will be the new director for the next upcoming Acclaim title.
If you're a company don't bother submitting for this one. Howard Marks told me that only members of the community (single individuals) will be eligible to win. Work for a company but nobody will listen to your fabulous ideas? You now have a chance to submit them to Acclaim.
The idea here is to build the game using community interaction. "We are striving for innovation." Marks said. This will do it. So stock up on Mountain Dew and get ready to be this industry's next superstar!
Acclaim will be making the official announcement in the upcoming weeks.
In the meantime, 2Moons is in closed beta and 9 Dragons remains in open beta. You can find out more about them here
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