As you all know, Ten Ton Hammer has been running a Guild of the Month feature since January of this year. Now that the game has launched however, we realize that there's more of you looking for a guild than ever! Therefore, because we love you like Greenskns love a WAAAGH!! (except RadarX, he has no soul and therefore loves no one), we've decided to make this a weekly feature!
If you have a guild and you want to get your name out there, then all you have to do is send me an e-mail that includes the following:
- The application questions below filled out completely
- at least 2 screenshots of your guild in WAR (these can be action shots, group photo, 1 guild screen screen shot, etc, but they must include at least 3-4 people from your guild in them, no solo shots)
Guild of the Week Application:
Guild Name: (Name of the guild)
Guild Type: (Order or Destruction)
Server: (What server are you on?)
Members: (how many actual members in the guild)
Looking for: (short description of what sort of member you looking for? no more than two sentences please)
Guild Website: (URL for your guild's website)- What kind of guild is (your guild name) and what are they all about?
- What other games have (your guild name) been involved in and what sort of success have you seen in those games?
- What are the goals of (your guild name) in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?
- What sort of time commitment are you looking for from members per week? Are there level requirements or restrictions for members?
- Do you require the use of Ventrillo/ Teamspeak for your guild members?
- What level of importance do you place on the social aspect of your guild? Is (your guild here) all about the end goal or more about the people involved?
- Does (your guild name) charge Guild dues/taxes? If so, how much and what are they used for?
- If someone wanted to join your guild, what would be the best way to do so? Who should they get in contact with and is there an application involved?
The first part of the application is the briefest glimpse into your guild. The questions give a more detailed look into your guild. If you feel the questions didn't cover something that you feel is important for people to know about your guild, please feel free to add it at the end of the questionnaire. You can be as verbose as you would like to be answering the questions, but remember to try and keep it to the point of the question.
When you've completed the requirements, you can email them to me with the heading "Ten Ton Hammer GotW - (guild name)" to [email protected]. GotW applicants will be chosen on a first come first served basis as received by my e-mail. If your submission is incomplete, I'll let you know, but you'll have to re-send it as if it were a new submission.
Each week, I'll put up the interview in our GotW feature for everyone to see. Also, you'll receive something to put up on your Guild site showing that you were recognized as the Guild of the Week at (past GotM participants will also receive this banner, I'll need to e-mail it to you so give me a bit of time). Also, the GotW will be posted in a separate threads in the Guild Section of the forums for easy access and comments. No thread bumping, please.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Game Page.