Siege of Boralus is an easy dungeon with a very linear path. Below I will highlight an efficient path to take if you do not have one yourself. This path will get you almost exactly 100% forces. This map is a part of the addon Method Dungeon Tools. 

Note - The purple circle is where you will want to Shroud/invis pot/death run



1. To start, head to Sergeant Bainbridge, The trash here should not pose an issue. When you see any Scrimshaw Gutters, tag them. They will only give forces if your group damages them. If you hit the Footman or walk too close the Footman will insta kill the Gutters and you will not get any forces.

2. After, you will head to Dread Captain lockwood. When you reach the pack of Powdershots and one Spotter, wither wait for them to reload or have your tank walk through it to aggro them. Another thing to note is the Spotter's artillery damages enemies as well as players, so try to place them on top of enemies. Often you lust/hero here.

3. After this you will head to Hadal Darkfathom. The Bilge Rat Demolisher's fear can be LoS'd to avoid it. If you do not need th space to kite, you can skip the Spotter pack with Shroud or invis pots. The forces are not needed.

4. After Hadal, you head straight to Viq'Goth. Typically once you reach the third platform, you lust/hero and burn the gripping add to end the fight.


This path has proven very useful for my runs. If you have Method Dungeon Tools and would like the path yourself, you can find the ugly import string below. Just copy the entire thing into your Method Dungeon tools under Import and you should be good to go.

  • dyYfhaGAvvrVMQuz2uHUnvPQDk7f7MkLHPQ43uLYqvvfgUQsvht5CurlMkvTCQsEkvXJvvYZvvvMivGMkLjRQuz6KUmvY1vv
  • zZQQQ2ovattv(UQsXNvvLomvQSmvgpvqoPQsPNr01i0PPcQTrvnoc8ncAggE8M7)txFP)ddfpFJlxEh9WZ)D3xQd7n3OHhhW
  • Do(ZfgE(6NxE5Yn9p(5OJ0(GNV(5LxUCt98Z9o6YbC5in881pV8YLBQd(ZT)6YBU9TFNdrZjEuxU8Eh2T)I7XZ3)Zrh)hgnmAy0
  • OrhDO0HrJo6ijjPHIshgDy0ir6iFsspusIrJgkkjXOHrJE0rIO0dJgD0rdLKpmA0OJouu6HrsrmA0OJossp6rsuseJgn6OJKKKE0d
  • fLeXOHrJKO0HrJeqhjeLKy0OdLEy0ijkjIrJePJeqssi9iFuskIrJePJesssa9iFus(WOrsuuYhJEy0OhkjLy0OHsYhgn6rhjKKKi9iFus
  • eJg5KoAFqjPignYjD0(GIscXijgnsIspmAKikjFy0ib0rojjTp0J2qrjbyKamA0qjFmA0qjHy0OHIsoXO9WOrcPJeqsYj9iFsKerPjIrJ
  • gkkTpy0KyO0EyO0eXqP5JrJgknHy0OJosIsIyO0CIHsByOKtmuAhgkTpyOO0ggj9XOrhDKKK0qjPamA0qPjeJgnuuAhgjfIrJE0
  • rJK0rpsIstagnAOO0KyKignAcOJMtuAoXOrcOJCIIs7HrtignseLMignsIstagn6HsIy0OteLMtmA0erP5JrJouApmA0o6OjrrPjIr
  • 3WOrdLK(y0OhDKijjF6rcjrsakDFWOrJo6ijjrPjaJgDOO08XO7WOrdfLMqm6Ey0OHsNignAO0jXOrJo6qrPjaJojgnssh9qPZhJ
  • gnuuAoXO7HrJouu6(GrNeJgjsh5JsNign6qrPBy09WOrsu6Ky0Onuu6om6eIrJgD0HsNpgnsIsNeJgnr6O9qrPtIrYpy0OHsZh
  • JgjrPZjgn6OJKOO09WOZjgnAO0jaJg5thjIIsNigj)GrJouA(y0OhkDoXOrp6iru6eGrJeIIsNpgjhgnAOO0jeJMedLMpgknHyOK8
  • WOrdffffpQlhsXJd66)U7NJkkaa


If you are looking for a Teeming week path, look below


  • dCYsiaGAQa12OsZMQKBtfs7u2l2nvKHrq(nvPAOeuXWPcWXuDoc1cPcOftfklNa5PeWYu8CQGmrcu1uPmzQaz6KUmvX1PI
  • AZeuvBNku9zcu(obv61eOYJjOCyQGA8uH4KeuLNr01uQttvkttjJJq(gv1CmeW7oMd2JWuhcdfbeUE8i4ixeq47Wct9M3DIoc4
  • 4oSxo7bdbeMZcsqECsfoo7Lx04IacZzbjipoPc4SJ5Lhh3Jx0raH5SGeKhNubVZojyE8UtcphKJqxmcOE84OEZjbdhic4aC2lV
  • Cim6y0XOtNgAqPbJon0qssshfLgmAWOtBAixsslusIrNokkjXOJrNw0qBuAHrNgAOJsYfgD60qdkkTWi5gJoDAOHK0IwKeL2
  • y0PtdnKKK0IwOO0gJogDsIsdgDsenKpkjXOtdkTWOtsuAJrN20qIij5tlYfLKBm60MgYNKKiArUOKCHrNKOOKlgj3y0jX0qxius
  • kXOthLwy0PfkTXOtIPHUqOKCHrNw0q(KK20ICrrjFmsIrNKO0cJoTrj5cJojIgsmjPleTOFuusegjcJoDuYfJoDuYhJoDuusmg9f
  • gDYNgsejjX0ICPnTrPVXOthfLUqy0SWqPlXqPVWqPVXqPrIHs3fJoDu6(y0PHgsIsBmu6IXqPzJHs)yO0fcdL(GHsIXqrPFms6I
  • rNgAijjPJssry0PJs3hJoDuu6dgj9XOtNgAijTOfjrPlcJoDuu6sm6lm60fIg6hLUpgDAHsFJrNguu6lmAJrN(Mg6UKKUpTOFAtFi
  • x6sYN(cLUym6Kpn0jjn0Iw0M2KljjFYffL(gJUpgk9ngk9fgkTXOtxen0fJsxmgDsenKyuu6Uy09XOtBu6Bm6KeLUim60cL(cJo9
  • Hg6su6IXOtFJsBm60SrP7IrNguu6(y0Cm60rjPlgDArdTjj5slYN2KiuAecJoDAOHKKeLUim60GIsxegndgD6OO0fJrxegkDxm6
  • Kln0gLK(yOO0iegnlm60rPzJrNoknsm60qdDuuAognsm6KKgAHsJlgD6OO0my0SWOtdkknsmAKy0PnnKlknBm60GIsZcJM
  • fgDsIsJeJo9JIsZgJgFm60PHguACXOtsuAKy0PVPH(cfLgxmAKy0Pp0qxIsZgJoTqrPXhJKcHrNokDxm6KeLgXy0PHgsIIsJi
  • mAeJrNoknIWOtU0qBuuAeJrsHWOtdkDxm60cLgXy0Pfn0gLgry0jFuuskegjpgD6OOK8yKCWOthLUlgkDFmu6smuuuueq94i
  • kcyE84OEZjbdfaa

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Last Updated: Dec 03, 2018

About The Author

Born and raised in the gaming industry. Adequate Heroes of the Storm player. Spends free time in Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, and various other games.
