A monkey in a ball? An imp named Bananas? Wait...let me read that again.

Blizzard has released three new in-game prizes for those lucky enough to find the loot cards in packages of Through the Dark Portal Cards from WoW: the Card Game.

Through the Dark Portal™, the first expansion set to the World of Warcraft Trading Card game, is now in stores. Finding a rare Loot� card in a pack will give you one of three in-game items for your World of Warcraft character. These include a picnic basket that gives you a full grill setup with a hibachi, blanket, and umbrella, allowing you to cook up food that "does nothing," and "tastes great!" There's also a monkey charm that gives you a pet monkey named Bananas, who is sure to turn heads wherever you go. Rounding out the three new in-game items is the imp in a ball, which gives you random answers to questions you may ask.

Click here for more details on the World of Warcraft� TCG Loot™ cards and on how to get a unique in-game item of your own. For more information on the World of Warcraft� TCG, visit www.ude.com/wow.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
