WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Dragonblight Overview

by on Jun 03, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">What Dangers Lurk in the Dragon Graveyard?</span><br>

What Dangers Lurk in the
Dragon Graveyard?

Dragonblight is one of the many exciting zones in the upcoming Wrath of
the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft. The
zone is mainly a frozen wasteland that houses the dragon graveyard.
While the zone has a lot of history and lore surrounding
it, not much is known yet about what will take place there in
WotLK. What we do know so far is explained by Byron "Messiah" Mudry in
this overview of the zone.

much is know as of yet in regards to instances in the zone . It is
possible that Wyrmrest Temple will be an instance, or the five temples
surrounding it. However it has also been rumored that Naxxramas will be
moved to the zone as a new level 80 10/25 man raid. This is due to the
fact that at Blizzcon 2007 a large necropolis was shown floating over
the terrain of Dragonblight. In addition Blizzard has repeatedly stated
that Naxxramas will likely make a reappearance in the Wrath of the Lich

Wrath of the Lich King Dragonblight Overview

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016