It’s fair to say that the leaked content for Star Citizen is sizeable and having looked through all of it today, I have to says its invigorated my interest in the game. Not only do the ships on offer look absolutely incredible, but it shows just how much content is in the works. I’ve no doubt that Robert Space Industries will be frustrated at the leak, but I honestly don’t think it’ll damage the game in the long term and short term, you’ve just gained a lot of publicity highlighting some amazing looking ships. If there’s anything “bad” about this leak, it’s probably the fact that if some of these ships don’t make it into the game, or if there are significant changes there could be a decidedly mixed community reaction.

What are your thoughts on the leak? Is it a good or a bad thing for Star Citizen?

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Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016

About The Author

Lewis is a long standing journalist, who freelances to a variety of outlets.
