WoW Weekly Report - "Top 10 Tips for a Better Game"

by on Feb 23, 2010

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WoW - PTR Patch 3.3.3 Announced WoW - New Raid Instance Officially Unveiled WoW - Blizzard News Roundup WoW - Major Changes to Battlegrounds Incoming! WoW - Upper Deck Comments on the future of WoW TCG WoW - Blizzard Donates $1.1m to Make-A-Wish Foundation WoW - Arena Balance going into Season 8

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WoW - PTR 3.3.3 Class Changes WoW - Guide to Ice Crown Citadel - Frostwing Halls WoW Mod Review - RaidBuffStatus WoW Cataclysm - Completionist Paradise Loremaster's Corner #3: The Many Failures of Deathwing World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Portal Launches

Welcome to another news filled edition of The WoW Weekly Report: The Overpull. This week we’ll be covering all of the news that has transpired since the last report and go over the top ten things to do to improve your game. Let’s begin. 

Here’s the lineup this week

What’s the Buzz The Weekly Musing Loremaster's Corner This Week's Forum Thread

The biggest news this last week is that patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 have been announced, but I think of it more like a patch 3.4. Patch 3.3.3 will be a minor content patch that will include a battleground revamp, finally a way to skip the start of Culling of Stratholme, and a barrel of class changes. Patch 3.3.5 will be focused on a new dungeon that’s going to be appearing sometime later this year that will feature four new raid bosses. Nothing more is known about the dungeon other than it will involve the Wrymrest Accord.

Some players are throwing around the idea that it’s going to be a second vault with four Onyxia clones while others argue that it will be the new Sunwell Plateau. I personally think it’ll be a mixture of both, the first one or two bosses being incredibly easy while the last two and the hard modes will be impossibly hard. Honestly though, I hope it’d be a trial run for “10-man = amazingly easy” and “25-man = amazingly hard” since they’re now toying around with the idea of a 10-man dungeon finder.

I’d personally prefer it if the 25-man instances were incredibly hard while the 10-man versions were less rewarding and very easy. That would end every single problem between the casuals and the hardcore. Make 10-mans incredibly easy, make 25-mans non-puggable in challenge (i.e., bump up the difficulty enough that a PuG couldn’t do it), and then make the hard modes of both for the hardcore.  That, of course, is just my idea.

Upper Deck has announced that their license is ending on the WoW Trading Card Game. I guess Blizzard played their trap card and Upper Deck had no more resources to tap. I don’t know if that sentence makes any sense in the TCG world, but it’s something that TCG fans need to follow very closely. If you’re a TCG fan please post on our forums or email me at and let me know if you want us to give the TCG more coverage. I don’t know if our readers are into it, but letting me know what you guys like helps us custom tailor our site to you.

Blizzard donated $1.1 million dollars to Make-A-Wish last Wednesday. This is a big reason why we all are such big Blizzard fanboys. It’s not often that a company would sacrifice $1.1 million in sales for charity off an item like that. Many MMOGs aren’t even able to earn $1.1 million a month off of the combined sales of all of their items/boxes/etc. Big kudos to Blizzard for this.

The battleground revamp coming in 3.3.3 is a hot topic. Personally, I’m still processing all of the information and cannot pass judgment yet, but it’s looking to be some big improvements in the way BGs work.

Hey our forums are open if you want to talk about any of this. Click here to find your way over to our community and put your two cents into the news this week.

Loremaster's Corner #3: The Many Failures of Deathwing

We’ve forgotten (or have never explored) the story before WarCraft III when the game was much simpler and the lore was confusing yet simple. Before the time of Arthas there were two epic wars between Humans and the allied nations of the Alliance and the Orcs and the vicious Horde. There was constant strife and brutal battles where armies would sortie and both sides would be decimated. Yet, at the same time, other great evils lurked within the world. One was known as Neltharion, the Earth-Warder one of the five great Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight.

Here are my top ten tips to improve your game. These tips may or may not apply to everyone, but I hope that there are a few things here to help you improve your game.

      10. No matter what you think, your graphic settings are probably too high. Go adjust your graphics settings down a bit and see how much better your game runs. The biggest offender is your draw distance. Dropping it down a bit can give you massive performance boost.

      9. Everything has a price. Reagents, bandages, potions, etc. all have a cost affixed to them. Some costs are necessary evils and are usually refunded by the random dungeon finish or raid boss kill, but others can be avoided. Be frugal with your consumables and you’ll find you have a bit more money. Wait until before the pull to flask, don’t quaff a healing potion if you’re going to die anyway in world PvP, and Mage food/water is free so try to stock up every time you find a table.

      8. Until Cataclysm there is only one place you need to worry about your gear while leveling up and that is level 1-58. Even then, save your gold, and just use quest rewards or do a random dungeon for the random loot. The auction house is usually for people who want to do the battlegrounds so low level gear is often overpriced.

      7. Like number 9, your time is also very valuable. Don’t skimp on travel costs to speed up leveling. Fly everywhere until you get your flying mount. At which point you will save a lot of money by relying purely on flight.

      6. Get rid of the U.I. clutter and read our guide to making the perfect U.I. setup. Get rid of addons you don’t use every major patch and research the ones that you do. We have an awesome line of WoW Addon Reviews to help you with this.

      5. Take a look at your at your guild and think to yourself “do I really belong here?” More often than not, you’re probably in a guild you’re not really enjoying. If you’re not having fun then it’s time to revamp your social life in the game and start searching for a better fit. Many people get stuck into a slump of being in a guild just because they are and feeling miserable about it. Sure, leaving the people you’ve been with for awhile isn’t the easiest decision, but not having fun while gaming isn’t something you want to do.

      4. Clean up your inventory and sell off everything you’re hoarding but don’t need. You’ll be shocked how much gold is sitting in your bank off of items collecting dust. Disenchant all of those purps from Ulduar you’ll never equip again, sell off all of those lowbie herbs, and get rid of those extra mats you’ll never use. For real! If you need ‘em again then you’ll be able to buy them back. The extra space can really make your life easier when you loot something and don’t have to search day and night for it. We have a review of the addon “ArkInventory” which can help sort your inventory as well.

      3. Double check your gems and enchants and make sure you’ve got all of the right spells on your bar. Snag this addon, Rankwatch, and audit your gear. You might find something more optimal and at the same time find you’re doing more DPS when you’re using the max level of every spell.

      2. Download the Underachiever addon and use it to “fake” achievements to fool PuG raid leaders if you’re confident you can do the raid. Look at our instance guides beforehand so you don’t feel like a fool going into the dungeon ignorant of the encounters.

      1. Try something different! You’ll be surprised how the game will feel if you spend a day doing something you don’t normally do. Never farmed achievements? Give it a try one day. Never raid? Try to get into a pug raid of something. Mix things up to keep the monotony at bay.  After all, the most important thing about WoW is that you have fun playing and exploring more ways to have fun is a sure fire way to keep the game fresh when it’s becoming a bit stale.

This Week's Forum Thread for your commenting pleasure.

-David "Xerin" Piner

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016