Mage_End Battle - V. Freedom!

by on May 20, 2008

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style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(103, 85, 68); text-align: left; width: 200px;">

style="font-weight: bold;">End Battle


I. Valeria

II. The Phoenix Medallion

III. The Face of Oppression

IV. Bring Down Strom

V. Freedom!

Talk to Kalanthes



Related Quests

The Awakening I Letter to the King I The Awakening II Letter to the King II The Awakening III End Battle valign="undefined">
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;"> Freedom!

"I've slain Strom and I'm free to leave Tortage." style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="width: 150px; height: 149px;" alt="Click to expand"
title="Click to expand" src="">

style="font-weight: bold;">

Talk to Kalanthes

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style="width: 150px; height: 149px;" alt="Click to expand"
title="Click to expand" src="">
title="Title of Your Image">

Kalanthes will come to see you after Strom's defeat.

Now that you have slain Strom and earned your freedom, speak to Kalanthes. You will learn that Kalanthes is in fact a High Priest of Ibis and a sworn enemy of Thoth-Amon. It was he who fished you out of the water after your slave ship was sunk and his idea to use you in the fight in Tortage, but he now feels your destiny lies somewhere in your homeland. With instructions to keep the Phoenix Medallion with you always, you are now given the choice to travel to your homeland. This will vary depending on your race.

Valeria of the Red Brotherhood will resume her role as ruler of Tortage so all is well. This will end your Destiny quest as it relates to the island of Tortage. Now you can move on and enjoy the game in its MMORPG full world entirety. Congrats!






Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016