Mage_The Awakening III - IV. The Belly of the Beast

by on May 20, 2008

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The Awakening III

Mage -

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style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;">The Belly of the Beast

"Mithrelle's plan is for me to sneak into the library and steal the medallion, while she diverts Strom's attention. I can get into the keep using a door in the underhalls. I'll enter the underhalls through the wine cellar under the Temple of Mitra. When I'm there, I should go down the stairs, turn right, then left after the bridge."


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Talk to Mitrelle Inside the Keep

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style="font-style: italic;">To gain entrance to Strom's Keep enter this door in the Underhalls.

Mitrelle plans to have you sneak into Strom’s library and steal the medallion while she distracts him with a pack of lies. You will need to speak with Mitrelle inside of Strom’s keep. To reach her, enter through the Underhalls. The entrance to the Underhalls can be found in the wine cellar of the Temple of Mitra. The Temple is the same one you pass between Tortage and Mitrelle’s lair. The wine cellar is at the back of the temple inside the hill it sits on. The coordinates are 841, 656.

Once inside the Underhalls you can find the entrance to the keep at coordinates 251,301. Mitrelle awaits you just inside

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style="font-style: italic;">Mitrelle awaits you inside of Strom's Keep.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016