Bitter Rivals: Day #1

As the Bitter Rivals event has begun, thousands have logged in for the chance to get to play their Choppa/Slayer a week earlier than everyone else. In order to do this you have to finish ten daily quests, and unlike the past few live events, these will be given out daily and not all at once. We know that there are some of you currently sitting at work, or away from WAR, desperately wondering what today's quests will be, and accidentally inserting the words "Warhammer", "RvR", or "Slayer/Choppa" on that TPS cover sheet you have to hand to your boss later. In the interest of helping you keep your job , Ten Ton Hammer will be bringing you the latest WAR quests daily with WAR: Bitter Rivals - Quests of the Day!

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Are those tentacles?! I NEED AN ADULT!

Bitter Rivals: Quest #1 - Throw Twisting Tentacle Pies at 5 Enemies in the Twisting Tower Scenario

While this may sound like something out of some lonely, 40 year old man's Anime collection that involves High School girls, Demons, and a plot that is as transparent as newly Windexed glass, it's not. Instead it's similar to that late night discussion most of us have had with our friends, "Could you use an Alien Facehugger as a projectile weapon?", the answer is... you can now! The only stipulation is that they have to be baked into a warm flaky crust.

Basically, this is the same as the Heavy Metal Live event quest that takes place in The Reikland Factory scenario, except with a chaotic twist. You'll find pies all over the Twisting Tower, and after you pick them up, you'll be required to throw them at five different enemies. However, when they get hit with these pies, tentacles come out and wrap around their head. Now if only something burst out of your enemies chest afterwards, it would be perfect!


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Bonebelch... that's Russian, isn't it?

Bitter Rivals: Quest #2 - Complete the Scouting Quest Within the Twisting Tower Scenario

In order to start off the event right, Mythic started you off with TWO, count 'em, TWO quests! Hah hah hah hahh! This is your typical scout quest. You go in, you get within range, and badda bing, badda boom, the quest gets updated. To start off, there will be a quest giver in the starting area of the Twisting Tower scenario. For this quest, you'll need to get into the Loft and the Atrium, and you'll be given updates for the quest as you get a few steps into each room. Once you're done, just head back and turn it in to the guy you got it from and you'll be good to go.

Bitter Rivals: Day #2

As the Bitter Rivals event has begun, thousands have logged in for the chance to get to play their Choppa/Slayer a week earlier than everyone else. In order to do this you have to finish ten daily quests, and unlike the past few live events, these will be given out daily and not all at once. We know that there are some of you currently sitting at work, or away from WAR, desperately wondering what today's quests will be, and accidentally inserting the words "Warhammer", "RvR", or "Slayer/Choppa" on that TPS cover sheet you have to hand to your boss later. In the interest of helping you keep your job, Ten Ton Hammer will be bringing you the latest WAR quests daily with WAR: Bitter Rivals - Quests of the Day!

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I'm the king, baby.

Bitter Rivals: Quest #3 - Perform a Service for the Dwarf or Greenskin Leaders

No, no, no. this has nothing to do with crisco and a circus midget or hairless green gorilla. Basically, you're going to head out to Altdorf and see High King Thorgrim Grudgemaker himself! He'll have a task for you to do that won't take you out of Altdorf, so don't worry about having to do a lot of travel. Just see some folks about some beer and then head back and see him. Easy as pie... just not tentacle pie.

Now if you're of the Greenskin persuasion, you'll be heading off to the Inevitable City to see Grumlok, who is just a damn impressive specimen of Orchood, that one. He's delegated someone else to hand out this task, so you'll take off to see Detzerg Muckmush just outside and across from the entrance to Journey's End. He wants you to do the Twisting Tower scenario. That's it. Go. Kill stunties. You don't have to win the scenario either, just show up, get tossed around, and voila! Done. When you're finished, just report back to him and you'll complete the quest.


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The Herald looks like he's been hitting the bitter ale.

Bitter Rivals Quest #4 - Soar 50 Leagues in the Twisting Tower Scenario

From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, League (noun) - any of various units of distance from about 2.4 to 4.6 statute miles (3.9 to 7.4 kilometers).

So in essence, you need to get tossed anywhere from 120 -230 miles. This is the kind of toss that should be reserved for Goblins or Gnoblars, usually in the form of a punt, because really only a Black Orc could survive the damage that results in that kind of travel. Luckily for you, Mythic has a different view of how far a league is and it's nowhere near 120 miles. This quest requires only that you get tossed from the starting area of the Twisting Tower Scenario to the Twisting Tower itself (which is pretty much how you get there anyway, so this one's a gimme). The hardest part of this quest is actually getting INTO the scenario without a 30+ minute wait.

By now, you should be able to turn in influence for your first, if not second, reward, so remember to hit the Herald at your local City!

Bitter Rivals: Day 3

As the Bitter Rivals event has begun, thousands have logged in for the chance to get to play their Choppa/Slayer a week earlier than everyone else. In order to do this you have to finish ten daily quests, and unlike the past few live events, these will be given out daily and not all at once. We know that there are some of you currently sitting at work, or away from WAR, desperately wondering what today's quests will be, and accidentally inserting the words "Warhammer", "RvR", or "Slayer/Choppa" on that TPS cover sheet you have to hand to your boss later. In the interest of helping you keep your job, Ten Ton Hammer will be bringing you the latest WAR quests daily with WAR: Bitter Rivals - Quests of the Day!

Bitter Rivals: Quest #5 - Defeat 10 Enemy Players in Open RvR

The hardest part of this quest is finding Open RvR under T3 - T4. Once you do however, make sure to get yourself into a group because it'll make things go a LOT faster. Why? Well, you'll get credit for people your group kills outside of what you kill solo. Since WAR requires you to strike a death blow to register a "kill", this can be quite difficult solo... unless of course, your name is John Rambo and you've survived four seemingly impossible movie scenarios and have a fifth on the way at some point in the future, thus ensuring your success at taking down the opposing Warband single handedly. Otherwise, group is the way to go!

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All I can see are Gobbos I want to kill.

Bitter Rivals: Quest #6 - Defeat Any 25 Dwarfs or Greenskins

In the spirit of the new additions to the Greenskin and Dwarven races, you get to stage a wholesale slaughter on the opposing race! Aww, that's so very WAR of them! Pretty simple really. Get out there and kill the crap outta some people. Even easier, they don't have to be players. That's right. March into the Dwarven-Greenskin lands and start beating up on some NPCs! We highly recommend the Marshes of Madness PQ's for this as they have several that have an ample supply of both Greenskin and Dwarven NPCs to chose from. As to why we suggest the PQ's, see Quest #9 for more details.

Bitter Rivals: Quest #7 - Complete the Killing Quest within the Twisting Tower Scenario

More Twisting Tower! YAY! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Put the gun down, it's not that bad! So far you've had to scout the Tower and be tossed to the tower, but this is WAR after all and a special scenario wouldn't be complete without having to kill at the tower for something other than renown. This is your basic kill quest and you'll get it from the same quest giver who gave you the scouting quest on Day #1. They'll be located at the starting gate. Just like the Open RvR quest, you'll get credit for group kills so this can go pretty quick. There seems to be a limited number of times you'll be allowed to run this quest, so remember to turn the quest in when you die or start another Twisting Tower scenario.

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I, uh... I think you dropped your axe, buddy.

Bitter Rivals: Quest #8 - Collect 10 Weapons of the Fallen from the Open RvR Battlefields

Ok, I just saw a bunch of hands from the non-RvR crowd get thrown up in exasperation. Fear not, my friends! You don't have to loot these off of enemy corpses that have been killed in Open RvR. You will however, need to take a risk and venture into RvR territory to get them. Scattered all around the RvR areas are glowing weapons, usually stuck in the head, the back, or some other area of a corpse of either a Dwarf or a Greenskin. Just gather it up by right clicking on it and you're done. Watch your back here though. Due to the requirements of Quest #5, there's bound to be some unsavory characters wandering about and they probably won't wave hello before they sneak up from behind you and make like the Sisters from Shawshank Redemption. I wish I could tell you you'll fight the good fight and they'll let you be. I wish I could tell you that, but WAR ain't no fairy tale world.

Bitter Rivals: Quest #9 - Complete Any 3 Stages of Any Public Quest Within Dwarf and Greenskin Lands

Ok, so now you see why waaay back in Quest #6 we suggested heading to a PQ in the Dwarven/Greenskin lands. Not only will you complete the Kill 25 Greenskin/Dwarfs quest, but you can finish this one up at the same time! Multi-tasking isn't just an ability for your resume, folks. Now, the key word in this quest is the word "any". This means that you can finish the entire PQ or you can just finish the first part of the quest, the easy part, three times. Also, "any" means any PQ in any Chapter, at any level. So if you're feeling nostalgic and you want to head back to Chapter 3 to visit Kron Komar Gap at level 38, then you can and you'll get credit for it. Due to that, this winds up being an easy task to finish, and we have the word "any" to thank for it.

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Geez, man! You kiss your mother with that potty mouth?

Bitter Rivals: Quest #10 - /swear at each Enemy Career

While this is something we're pretty sure goes on nightly during Open RvR and certain frustrating scenarios, and probably at certain careers more than others, you're now being asked to make your feelings known to everyone else. You'll get updates for each career you swear at (and they must be players, not NPCs) in your Tome of Knowledge and we suggest using that list to keep track of which careers you've shown your ire to. Just make sure not to erase any of the swearing updates from the main page until you've completed the quest and it acts as sort of a checklist for you.

This ensures you're not swearing at the Black Orc in the scenario all night thinking you need the update, resulting in that Black Orc heading back to the warcamp and breaking down in tears because he can't figure out why everyone is swearing at him all the time lately. Also, while Mythic is encouraging you to swear at the enemy classes, remember to only use /swear, and not "/@#$%ing @#$%" or "/*&$% and your /@)#$% horse too!" as those are not exactly what they meant, and will not update this quest. However, you might get to talk to a GM if you keep it up.

Complete all these tasks and you're not only rewarded with the chance to play your Choppa/ Slayer a week early, but the title "Seriously Bitter!" to wave above your head!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
