Aion Newsletter - The Daeva Weekly #1

by on Sep 17, 2009

Welcome to the first edition of The Daeva Weekly, Ten Ton Hammer's weekly Aion newsletter! Even if you don't have the time to do all the forum crawling and news searching yourself, you can still stay up-to-date on the community happenings and get it all

has announced that pre-orders are just shy of 400k making Aion
the biggest MMOG success of the year.  While I would never dismiss
those kinds of numbers, I'm very curious why the player support has
dipped so greatly from the launches of last year? Age of Conan hit over
700k pre-orders and Warhammer Online snagged over a million pushing the
fan hype machine in ways we haven't seen since World of Warcraft.

Like many other gamers, I'm tired of pre-launch hype.  I don't
want to see half-baked releases of games that look shiny from a distance
then show their blemishes up close.  I don't want to hear about all
the great features of the first twenty levels only to find out that the
end-game is completely naked of content. I believe this season's
pre-order numbers reflect this same frustration of gamers.  Gamers
are demanding more and they want proof that their hard earned dollars
aren't being wasted.  Good for us!  More demand for quality
will eventually pay in better games.

The good news for Aion fans is that this game has been tested
over seas for nearly a year.  Korea and China seem to be sticking
by it and NCsoft has already stepped it up with a level cap raise and a
whole lot of new content.

What will the future hold for Aion?  Will it suffer the
same fate as some of the games that came before it?  Be sure to
stop in on our forums to

weigh in on the discussion
on the game's pre-launch success and let
us know what you think!

In other interesting news, NCsoft has decided to declare an official
Oceanic server for launch.  This is great for our friends "down
under" who keep a vastly different schedule than we do in North America. 
Game time will be altered in keeping with Oceanic times and this will
allow for more reasonable access to the instances.

Unfortunately it doesn't mean the server will be localized so while
Nezekan will eventually be labeled "Oceanic", it will still be tucked
away here in the US.  Hopefully the east coast location won't have
too big of an impact on game performance, but if it does, be sure to
speak up!  So far, NCsoft has been great about listening to the
community so if you yell loud enough, they might just listen.

-Savanja, Aion Site Lead


Welcome to the first ever Ten Ton Hammer weekly Aion newsletter! 
We hope this becomes a browsing staple for players to keep you connected
to the Aion community and Ten Ton Hammer.  If you have any
suggestions as we get our feet wet, please feel free to
drop me a note!



Ten Ton Hammer Features:

Altgard Zone Guide
- Making finding your way through the
Asmodae lands easier.

Asmodian Female Emotes Video
- Ooh La La!  Check out
what these sexy ladies can do!

New Player Resource
- Don't get in game without it.
Reasons Why Aion is Your Next Game
- Still not sold? Our
newest writer tells you why you want it!


News From Around the Community:

NCsoft Declares Oceanic Server
- Nezekan will have adjusted
time for Oceanic player schedules.

Vote for a Roleplaying Server
- If you're an RPer, get your
say in now!

GameGaurd Proves Unfriendly for Some
- Find out why disabled
gamers a re crying foul.

NCsoft Claims Biggest Game of the Year
- 400,000 fans can't
be wrong, can they?


Tip of the Week - Not sure what pre-selection is?  Starting
September 18th and ending September 20th, pre-order customers will be
able to log onto game servers to create 2 characters (max) and choose
their servers.  This allows players to make server arrangements
with friends and secure character names ahead of Early Start.


They Must be Roleplayers...

Creative names in game are one
thing, but sometimes they go a bit too far...

Character named after male genitals.  I can't even share it here
it and I felt dirty gathering while he was standing next to me.

Have you seen a great in game name? 

Share it with us!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016