Yesterday I saw the Borderlands 3 Twitter account Tweet out that the game is set to release in September, with the pre-order going live for a Gold weapons pack. 

Although the advertisement has since been deleted, it's pretty clear that someone jumped the gun on it, and its date looks legitmate (there was a promo video attached to the Tweet). What's also interesting is that a still within the trailer shows it launching on the Epic Games Store - likely as an exclusive - while Randy Pitchford has since waded in suggesting Take Two Interactive hold the cards when it comes to marketing and exclusivity. He goes on to add that as far as he's concerned, 6 months isn't too bad. 

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Borderlands 3 Game Page.

Last Updated: Apr 06, 2019

About The Author

Lewis is a long standing journalist, who freelances to a variety of outlets.
