Another week brings another update for Camelot Unchained. This week Mark Jacobs offered an update on work done from last week as well as whats on the development roadmap for this week. Just a few of the things completed from last week includes several network coding improvements, art passes, and the near completion of the Camelot Unchained website revamp. Looking forward to this week, the team will be focusing on revising the new Arthurian race with a possible first version ready by Friday, getting a first pass at Becoming, the story for another Arthurian race, Smackhammer patcher work, and much more.
The Camelot Unchained team also received the first of its new team members this week with Community Manager Renee Machyousky and Gameplay Engineer James Brown, who Jacobs jokingly claims has won the Coolest Programmer Name Evar! Hey, if he can sing, code and dance, this may be the greatest addition to a team ever.
Closing out the update, Jacobs teased a few work-in-progress images along with some new lore for the Arthurian Stormriders.
Source: Camelot Unchained Update
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