Champions Online will soon be celebrating its one-year anniversary and Executive Producer Shannon Posniewski has revealed plans to celebrate the milestone in his latest Producer's Letter. Cryptic Studios will be deploying its Summer Update on August 24th, followed by an anniversary celebration set to take place in Millennium City from August 27th through September 6th. At the end of the celebration players can stop by the Resistance Center to get some gifts (costume pieces, water balloons, party bombs and more.)
In addition, September 1 is a special day for Champions Online: It's our first anniversary! In celebration, we're going to be holding a party in Millennium City from August 27 through September 6 - when the celebration ends with a bang. Stop by the new Renaissance Center to get gifts (costume pieces, water balloons, party bombs and more!) and have some fun with your fellow heroes. Let's hope Destroyer doesn't show up!
Festivities aside, Shannon also revealed details on the next Champions Online adventure pack, The Demonflame, which will release near the end of September or early October. Planned changes for the game's Pet System and some tweaks to scaling instances and the difficulty slider are also in the works.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Champions Online Game Page.