Within mere hours of going live, Crota's End Hard Mode has already met its defeat. Bungie announced and then launched Crota's End Hard Mode today at 10am PST. Fans of the game took to Twitter, Twitch, and Reddit to watch the story unfold and eventually see the guild tripleWRECK lead the pack to victory. As the hardest content in the game currently, Crota's End Hard Mode will give the best players new challenges to overcome. If you weren't in the run for the World First competition, you'll have content to look forward to. In order to enter, you are required to be level 33. In return, players have a chance at Primary Weapons that come with a maximum attack rating of 331.
Don’t forget that Hard Mode is also the only place to obtain “Crux of Crota,” the final piece needed to upgrade the Eidolon Ally (the gun formerly known as Husk of the Pit) to its full, Necrochasmic glory.
There's also a new Glowhoo shader, which is a color somewhere between Robin's Egg Blue and Turquoise. The official Bungie statement didn't really tell us a whole lot, but luckily the Reddit community over at /r/Destiny has been on the ball. While I highly recommend this currently stickied thread for more information, the OP can also be found below the break. Special thanks to the community for putting together all of this information in one easy place. Congratulations to tripleWRECK on their confirmed World First!
- All enemies are 33.
- No revives
- Primary Weapons drops at all major sections. (Abyss, Bridge, and Crota)
- Enemies appear to take less flinch damage
The Abyss
- Chest is only a single drop
- Weight of Darkness increases quicker
- Ogres, Cursed Thralls, and Knights are now Majors (Yellow bar).
- Oversoul Edict is a confirmed drop for this section
The Bridge
- No Major differences
- The Abyss Defiant is a confirmed drop
The Tunnel
- 3 Shriekers are now here
- Shriekers will respawn
- Liturgy of Ruin will now activate sooner
- Only has one reward
- Chalice does not spawn
- Hallowed Wizards will now spawn to the left of Crota
- Gatekeepers have been added to the Crota fight
- Boomer Knights and all Knights in Crota are Majors.
- Gatekeeper does not need to be down to strike Crota.
- Gatekeeper will despawn after Swordbearer is dead
- New shader is called Glowhoo and looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/WPm3WnW.png
- Fang of Ir Yût is a confirmed drop for this section
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