Heroes and villains take to the streets of the new Coast City map for Turbine’s upcoming Infinite Crisis MOBA. The new map was revealed as part of Turbine’s E3 unveiling for the game this week and is a two lane map featuring defensive turrets, power relays, and a giant Doomsday Device at the center that can unleash a powerful attack on your enemies if captured.

Check out the trailer below and sign up for the closed beta on the Infinite Crisis website. Stay tuned for more Infinite Crisis news as our ground team reports from E3 2013.

Source: Turbine Press Release

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Infinite Crisis Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
