TERAs political vanarchs will have a little extra time to prep their next campaign to combat opponents following the late July update. Part of En Masse Entertainments plan to improve TERAs political system will increase the current vanarch terms from 3 weeks to 4. Additionally, the update will also add a 7-day cool down timer for joining a new guild, presumably to help combat that little problem with players creating alt guilds to farm kill points to seize the vanarch position.
Two other changes also go into effect starting today with a reduction to the vanarch candidate registration fee and a change to the Guild vs Guild competition for vanarch.
First, the vanarch candidate registration fee will be reduced from 3000 to 2000 gold to help with the financial cost of becoming a vanarch. And the Guild vs. Guild competition for the vanarch election will occur in 1 province per continent: Val Aureum, Val Palrada, Val Kaeli.
With those changes, expect the political space in TERA to get a little more competition.
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