TERAs fourth closed beta test has concluded and one more remains before the game heads to open beta. Publisher En Masse Entertainment recently took some time to post a recap of the event and what will be changing as a result. The most recent event introduced changes to the hitpoint allotment of lower levels, decreasing the amounts received for levels 1-15 and then gradually adding those back in from 15-20 in an effort to help increase TERA's early game difficulty. Some of the planned changes following the latest closed beta include:
- Enchantment Changes: We are removing the failure aspect of weapon and armor enchanting. We'll have more specifics on what the changes will look like, but after countless forum posts and a lot of internal discussions about this issue, we feel y'all are going to be very happy with this change.
- More Gear/Skill Options: Who doesn't like more options? With the addition of new green crystals that you can attach to accessories and advanced glyphs to further customize and tune your skills, you can now create an even more personalizedand powerfulcharacter.
- New Prologue Zone: We want to teach people about the lore behind the Island of Dawn (and throw them into some action), so we created an entirely new tutorial zone that serves as the precursor to the current Island of Dawn experience.
- Voice Additions: We've gone through the entire game and added new and distinct voices to NPCs, reworked cutscenes for better quality. We also added a few voices you may recognize for Samael and Fraya
- Sealing Enhancements: We're introducing the ability to lock the random attributes earned from identifying enigmatic items. This chant will let you pick which attributes you like and lock them for your gear, while at the same time letting you change the attributes you don't like until you get the combo that is right for you.
Read the full recap for all the details.
Source: TERAs Closed Beta 4 Recap
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