If you are a dwarf or maybe just drink like one, then you will enjoy this year's Brewday festivities! The popular EverQuest II in game event is returning this year and giving players something to toast in those late night pub crawls.
Returning Features:
* "Snoogle's Presentation" has new rewards!
* "Beers for Brell!" has a "brave" new reward!
* "Brell's Everlasting Brew" has a new house item!
* "Ale Goggles" has a new (and highly recommended) reward!
New Features:
* In-game mail to invite you out to celebrate!
* New craftables and supplies!
* New quests with awesome rewards!
You can get in on the fun starting March 11th and all through March 22. You can catch some images of the Brewday highlights and read a cute little story from EQ2 CM Kiara on EQ2players.
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