Blizzard has made a couple of big announcements for their CCG Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft over the last week. At PAXE East over the weekend, Blizzard announced that a new single player adventure mode is currently in development with the Curse of Naxxramas.
A location all too familiar to World of Warcraft players, the ancient necropolis of Naxxramas will serve as the focus of a new single player adventure that anyone can undertake in Hearthstone. The new story-based adventure will feature five unique dungeon wings, providing players with an adventure that can score them a few extra unique cards to add to their deck collections by defeating some iconic bosses such as the giant arachnid Maexxna, the fungal horror Loatheb, Heigan the Unclean, the oversized abomination known as Patchwerk, and more.
Each boss has its own specific set of cards and hero powers that you’ll have to overcome. Some of those feature the return of some old World of Warcraft classics that many of you might be familiar with. Plague dances anyone?
One of the bosses you’ll be pitted against within the Plague Quarter is the devious plague cauldron master Heigan the Unclean. His Eruption spell will put your minion’s dancing skills to the test, and Mindpocalypse will make you think you’ve got the upper hand. Speaking of hands, Heigan definitely never washes his. Gross.
The good news is that the Curse of Naxxramas comes with 30 new cards that you can earn by tackling the challenges in the necropolis. There will also be 9 unique class challenges that players can take on to earn new class-specific cards.
Currently there is no release date for the Curse of Naxxramas, but when the new update goes live it will take place over a five week rollout with one new wing opening each week. The first of those wings, the Arachnid Quarter, will be available for free to all players. The remaining wings can be purchased with in-game gold or cash.
The second big bit of news came today with the official launch of Hearthstone on iOS devices. If you have been waiting for a chance to carry your Hearthtone deck and game on the road, today’s your chance. Blizzard today made it official.
It’s time to let your fingers do the dueling—Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has arrived on the Apple® iPad®! Now you can enjoy all of the game’s epic card-slinging and deck-building action on the go on these supported iPad devices: iPad Air™, iPad 4th generation, iPad 3rd generation, iPad 2, iPad mini™, and iPad mini with Retina® display. Duel a friend at home, at the airport, at work (we promise we won’t tell), or anywhere that you can connect to the Internet.
If you’re playing Hearthstone on PC your decks will be readily available to you on the iOS port. Additionally, you can also earn a free pack of cards by adding your account to an iOS device. New players can complete the introductory missions to defeat Illidan to earn their freebies. So enjoy.
You can pick up Hearthstone for the iPad on the Apple Store.
Sources: Curse of Naxxramas, Hearthstone iOS Launch
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