With 4 days to go until Panetheon: Rise of the Fallen will soon find out whether or not will be funded. Needing a whopping $100,000 per day, it's a tall ask.

With 4 days to go until Panetheon: Rise of the Fallen will soon find out whether or not will be funded. Needing a whopping $100,000 per day, it's a tall ask. Undeterred, the folks over in Pantheon land have taken to the pages of Kickstarter once more to roll out their Post Kickstarter Plans.

In simple terms, it sounds as though they're already preparing for the worst and are establishing crowd funding to their own website. With similar Kickstarter goals, it remains a clear incentive for players who are keen to see Pantheon succeed. 

If you think Pantheon's got legs and deserves to be funded, head on over and pledge your allegiance. You're running out of time!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016

About The Author

Lewis is a long standing journalist, who freelances to a variety of outlets.
