Perfect World Announces Lineup of Valentine's Day Events

by on Feb 10, 2012

<p>Perfect World Entertainment reveals lineup of Valentine’s Day events for its lineup of free-to-play MMORPGs.

Valentine’s Day will bring plenty of new events to Perfect World Entertainment’s lineup of free-to-play MMORPGs. The publisher recently announced Valentine’s Day events for Jade Dynasty, Perfect World International, Rusty Hearts, Forsaken World, Ether Saga and War of the Immortals that involve everything from collective wedding events, new mounts, contests, GM run events and more. Check out the list for each game below.

Jade Dynasty -

Collective wedding event, a free Tiger Mask for players who get married, and a set of free gifts including a 7-day Aeon Lion mount for every player who logs in on February 14.

Perfect World International -

GMs will be roaming the servers in hopes of finding friendly chit-chat and hugs, while welcoming any photo-op requests. Best event themed screenshot will win his or her choice of a rare mount.

Rusty Hearts -

Show your love for Rusty Hearts by entering the art contest to win Roselle Vegerius, the latest premium character in-game.

Forsaken World -

Players can choose to receive a Valentine's Day card and a random item from four different NPCs. Players can get the random item once per day during the event period. Event lasts from February 14-21.

War of the Immortals

Get your chocolate fix in Atlantis by collecting them off the ground and hand them in to an NPC for more experience points. Event lasts from February 14-21.

Ether Saga Odyssey -

Join the masses in getting married, bid for a rare pet, send a custom broadcast message, and enter the screenshot contest for a chance to gain EXP and other special items.

Source: Perfect World Press Release

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016