Get ready TERA fans. The largest update since TERA’s official May 1st launch is getting close. En masse Entertainment today updated the Argon Queen preview page with the update’s official release date. The new content is scheduled to deploy on August 22nd, 2012.

The Argon Queen update includes a number of improvements to PvP along with the launch of new 15 vs 15 player battlegrounds. Additionally, there will be a number of new skills added and changes to the Lancer and Warrior classes, new dungeons, bosses, BAMs, raids and more.

Check out more of what’s coming next week to TERA on The Argon Queen preview page.

Source: The Argon Queen Page

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our TERA: Rising Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
