TERAs fourth NA closed beta phase starts tomorrow and En Masse Entertainment has a new list of changes for players that head back into the game this weekend.
For starters, the level cap has been increased to 38 and new areas have been opened with the ancestral home of the elins and poporis. Hitpoints have also been reduced for lower levels to help increase the challenge and you can now see a players level in PvP by targeting them with your crosshairs. The devs will also be holding the Terron Treasure Trove event during this weekends beta that adds a number of surprise boxes around the world. You can read the brief list of patch notes for more.
Be sure to check out our TERA Closed Beta 4 Giveaway for your chance to join in on the testing. If you make it, read up on Shayalyn's 10 Tips for New Players in TERA.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our TERA: Rising Game Page.