Tomorrow marks the official launch date for Gazillion Entertainment’s online action RPG, Marvel Heroes. With the launch quickly approaching, Gazillion today released the fourth and final video for Chronicles of Doom, a prequel video series written by Marvel super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis that serves as a lead-in to the main storyline of Marvel Heroes.

Check out the final video of the series below and get caught up on the previous episodes if you missed them: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Marvel Heroes launches tomorrow.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Marvel Heroes Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
