The Stargate IP has had a colorful gaming history. Out of three Stargate video games, only one has successfully launched with February 2010 release of Stargate Resistance. But the game's lifespan will have span just under a year with its scheduled cancellation next month. And with MGM terminating Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's Stargate licensing agreement, it looks like the MMOG, Stargate Worlds, is pretty much dead in the water, a fact many of us have been aware of for quite some time.
Earlier this month, Jim Brown, Creative Director of Dark Comet Games and a founder of Cheyenne Mountain Games, took some time to speak with Save Stargate, a website dedicated to rallying Stargate fans behind the two doomed projects in the hopes of saving them about some of the problems that plagued the company during the development of the two games and events that led to the licensing termination. The second part of the interview was recently posted to the website in which Brown speculates how close the game was to completion and his optimism about MGM extending the Stargate license to allow CME to complete Stargate World and continue the soon to be cancelled Stargate Resistance.
These licenses always have a term associated with them. MGM chose not to renegotiate the terms, and let the license lapse. They have stated a willingness to discuss the future of Stargate Worlds and Stargate Resistance, and CME is working on that endeavor.
The second part of Jim Brown's interview transcript is available via the Save Stargate website.
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