Overwatch Tier List - Hanamura Map

by on Nov 16, 2016

In this Overwatch Tier List we rank the best Heroes to play on the Hanamura Map.

This page will always show the latest Overwatch tier list for competitive play specifically on Hanamura for attacking and defending. If you want to view our "overall" Tier List, you can do so here.

This Overwatch tier list is designed to rank Heroes in terms of their strength in the current meta.  This is NOT a list of what the Pros play.  They have coordianted teams with pre-set strategies and shot-calling.  The rest of us scrubs play a slightly different game. 

Tier List Descriptors

Tier 1 - These popular Heroes are used by the majority of teams, for the majority of any match. 

Tier 2 - Very strong Heroes that are seen in nearly every match, but they are also regularly swapped in and out (80%-100% pickrate)

Tier 3 - Strong situational Heroes or Heroes that are played regularly, but not in every match due to team composition or map choice. Considered 'balanced' (40%-80% pickrate).  

Tier 4 - These Heroes are sometimes picked and often considered good, but they require teams to form around them or they’re Heroes that rely heavily on personal ability over composition (20-40% pickrate).

Tier 5 - Considered niche, these Heroes are situational or rarely see competitive play (Less than 5% pickrate)

Tier List Movement

Attack - Moved Soldier from T2 to T3.   Attack - Moved Zenyatta from T2 to T3. Attack - Moved D.Va from T2 to T3. Attack - Moved Reaper from T3 to T2. Attack - Moved Ana from T5 to T3. Defend - Moved Soldier from T2 to T4. Defend - Moved Symmetra from T2 to T4. Defend - Moved Zenyatta from T2 to T3. Defend - Moved Hanzo from T3 to T5. Defend - Moved Ana from T5 to T3. Defend - Moved Winston from T4 to T3.


Tier 1





Lucio [Guide] Support Medium  Providing mobility, passive healing, a knockback and an ultimate ability that's very strong, Lucio is the first pick. Reinhardt [Guide] Tank Easy His Barrier Field combined with a powerful Ultimate allows for coordinated pushes against any team. A strong pick.

Tier 2





Genji [Guide] Assault Hard High single target damage, mobility and an invaluable deflect. Highly effective in the right hands. McCree [Guide] Assault Medium Solid damage from medium range, high burst from his alternative fire and a very valuable stun.  Mercy [Guide] Support Medium High single target healing while offering a damage boost, she also has an amazing Ultimate to revive her team. Pharah [Guide] Assault Medium An amazing Ultimate ability, brilliant poke potential and incredibly annoying to fight against. Reaper [Guide] Assault Medium High close quarter damage with a powerful Ultimate and a constant threat due to his mobility.  Roadhog [Guide]  Tank Medium His Hook is amazing at quickly bursting down single targets but he's an easy target with no means of mitigation.

Tier 3





Ana [Guide] Support Hard Her skill ceiling is high and her kit isn't as impressive as some other Heroes.  D.Va [Guide] Tank Medium  Good damage in close quarters, reasonable armor and two lives (human form). She's predictable but tough. Mei [Guide] Defence Hard Good self sustain, high damage poke, amazing slows and annoying walls.  Soldier 76 [Guide] Assault Easy A very useful ultimate (aim-bot!) and consistent, high damage. Easy to play but doesn't excel everywhere. Tracer [Guide] Assault Hard Unrivaled mobility, a reset in "Recall" and an Ultimate ability that can easily clear a room (Pulse Bomb).  Zarya [Guide] Tank Medium Solid projectile damage, an incredible Ultimate and very useful shielding for her and her team.  Zenyatta [Guide] Support Medium A very solid well rounded choice.

Tier 4





Junkrat [Guide] Defence Medium Good defensive capabilities but a slow kit and static traps in a mobile game make him a weak pick on attack. Hanzo [Guide] Defence Medium Slow damage output but useful vision and a strong Ultimate on some maps. Just limited when attacking.  Widowmaker [Guide] Defence Medium In the right hands, she is a menance unfortunately her sight-lines are limited on Hanamura when attacking.  Winston [Guide] Tank Easy A powerful leap, an amazing deflect in his Barrier Project and a highly forgiving primary weapon. 

Tier 5





Bastion [Guide] Defence Easy His recon mode leaves him vulnerable and there are few opportunities to turn Sentry on attack. Symmetra [Guide] Defence Easy Relatively weak shielding, turrets are awful on attack and her Teleport limited due to Lucio's speed. Torbjorn [Guide] Defence Easy Automated turrets are a nuisance but against a coordinated team, easily killed. 


Tier 1





Lucio [Guide] Support Medium  Providing mobility, passive healing, a knockback and an ultimate ability that's far too strong, Lucio is the first pick. Reinhardt [Guide] Tank Easy His Barrier Field combined with a powerful Ultimate allows for coordinated pushes against any team. A strong pick.

Tier 2





D.Va [Guide] Tank Medium  Great on defence due to her mitigation, mobility and zoning potential from her Ultimate.  McCree [Guide] Assault Medium Solid damage from medium range, high burst from his alternative fire and a very valuable stun.  Roadhog [Guide]  Tank Medium His Hook is amazing at quickly bursting down single targets but he's an large target with no team mitigation.

Tier 3





Ana [Guide] Support Hard Her skill ceiling is high and her kit isn't as impressive as some other Heroes.  Genji [Guide] Assault Hard High single target damage, mobility and an invaluable deflect. Effective in the right hands, just poor on defence Junkrat [Guide] Defence Medium Good defensive capabilities but a slow kit and static traps in a mobile game make him a niche pick. Mei [Guide] Defence Hard Good self sustain, high damage poke, amazing slows and annoying walls.  Mercy [Guide] Support Medium High single target healing while offering a damage boost, she also has an amazing Ultimate to revive her team. Pharah [Guide] Assault Medium An amazing Ultimate ability, brilliant poke potential and incredibly annoying to fight against. Reaper [Guide] Assault Medium High close quarter damage with a powerful Ultimate, just overshadowed by McCree. Torbjorn [Guide] Defence Easy Automated turrets are a nuisance but against a coordinated team, easily killed.  Widowmaker [Guide] Defence Medium In the right hands, she is a menance. Vision, high single target damage and some mobility for escaping if needed. Winston [Guide] Tank Easy A powerful leap, an amazing deflect in his Barrier Project and a highly forgiving primary weapon. A must-have Tank.  Zarya [Guide] Tank Medium Solid projectile damage, an incredible Ultimate and very useful shielding for her and her team.  Zenyatta [Guide] Support Medium

A strong well rounded pick.

Tier 4





Bastion [Guide] Defence Easy Powerful if the enemy doesn't know his position, he can be easily countered with a well placed Barrier or rocket.  Soldier 76 [Guide] Assault Easy An very useful ultimate (aim-bot!) and consistent, high damage. Easy to play but doesn't excel anywhere. Symmetra [Guide] Defence Easy Relatively weak shielding but providing a valued Teleport - it's a game-changer here, especially on Point A. Tracer [Guide] Assault Hard Unrivaled mobility, a reset in "Recall" and an Ultimate ability that can easily clear a room (Pulse Bomb).  Winston [Guide] Tank Easy A powerful leap, an amazing deflect in his Barrier Project and a highly forgiving primary weapon. A must-have Tank. 

Tier 5





Hanzo [Guide] Defence Medium Slow damage output but useful vision and a strong Ultimate. 

Last Updated: Nov 16, 2016