Welcome to the third episode in our new Where Are They Now series. Ive been a gamer since the days of Pong, and I thought the
time for someone to take a look at famous game developers from days gone by, and find out how (or whether) they're still involved in making the games we
love to play, was long overdue. Most of the developers highlighted in this series will certainly have one thing in common beyond video games, and that's
the reaction their names evoke with gamers. Today's developer is no exception.
Claim to Fame
Richard Garriott is most known as one of the creators of the Ultima series of computer games, including being the founder of Origin, which later released
the first truly popular MMORPG, Ultima Online. Along with these accomplishments, he was also the designer of a failed MMORPG from NCSoft, Tabula Rasa.
Often called by his well-known gaming moniker, Lord British (or General British in Tabula Rasa), Richard is one of the founding fathers of computer
gaming. For these reasons, he deserves at least a modicum of respect.
Like most of the developers weve highlighted, Garriott is a polarizing personality to say the least. Some people love and hail him as an inspiration to
both adults and children that have a passion for game development or aspirations of space flight. He has spent much of his life pursuing his dreams in both
fields and was the first second-generation American to ever go into space (his father was an astronaut in Richards youth).
Ive worked with a number of individuals who worked with Richard. Some loved him and others did not. While that type of divisiveness is easy to see on the
internet, I was surprised to find it within the game industry itself. It just further shows how were all human and people come across in different ways to
each other. Like him or not, theres no denying the great things hes done for the game industry, and for science and education as well. Hes
spent much of his time sharing the experiences of his adventures with students all around the world and that kind of potential inspiration for children to
pursue their dreams is priceless.
While Britannia Manor may be well known as the extravagant medieval abode of Richard, what may not be common knowledge is that each summer he hosts an
event called the Game Developers Picnic. Each year, he invites any employee of a game development company in the Austin area (and there are quite a few) to
come to his home for a day of fun and sun on his property. The event is set near a medieval outdoor amphitheater, and massive amounts of food are provided
for all. Guests are also welcome to take wondrous paddleboats out on his private waterway, or explore the small village he has set up. Again, people may
complain about Richard, but I can attest from personal experience that there are plenty who take advantage of the invitation.
Where Are They Now and Why the Hell Should I Care?
While it would be hard to believe any fan of the Ultima series of computer games could still be unaware, heres the scoop on Richards current game
designing activities. Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, Garriott has been hard at work creating the next spiritual successor in the Ultima
universe, entitled Shroud of the Avatar. This may come as a shock to some, but the game looks like it is going to literally be Ultima without the same
name. Actually, Richard has stated on occasion that if he were able to attain the Ultima rights back from EA, he would rename the game Ultima Online 2.
As Ive mentioned before, people are quick to jump on those who find initial success and then fall from grace later. Lets face facts though this is
something that could happen to anyone. The only difference is that most of our failures arent broadcast on every television and web outlet in site. Richard
Garriott is one of those designers that people either love or hate or love to hate. No matter what your personal view is, there is one thing that can be
said with certainty. If you enjoyed the Ultima series at all, or want to check it out to see what the hubbub is about, then you should definitely keep an
eye on Shroud of the Avatar.
Thats it for this weeks episode. Thanks for joining me! If you have a suggestion for a game designer, art director, creative lead, or any other person
intimately involved with a game's completion that you'd like to see highlighted, hit me up on Twitter or send me an email here.
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