To celebrate the upcoming launch of WildStars first content update (Strain!) we're giving away 5 copies of the game. These 5 digital copies are for the United States only (sorry to our European readers!) and can be redeemed through the official website. As far as the competition is concerned we wanted to keep it super simple:
"What Do You Love About WildStar?"
It doesn't matter whether you write us a poem, give us a lengthy story, or simply point out the reasons why: just let us know in the comments below and we'll pick the five that we love the most!
The Small Print
- You must provide your entry in the comments below
- You can make as many entries as you like
- There's no restriction on how you answer the question!
- You can only win one digital copy of WildStar
- The closing date is the July 4th, 2014
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our WildStar Game Page.