
You can get to Amber Ledge by traveling the road that heads west from the Beryl Mine. When you get there you should make get the flight point by talking to the dragon that is sleeping at 45,33.

Turn in the quest Nick of Time to Librarian Donathan just across from the dragon, and get Prison Break.


Travel just south down the path out of Amber Ledge to find the Beryl mages near 43,37 and kill enough that you get a prison key. Once you do free the prisoner being held in the cube in the centre of one of the blue platforms.


Return to Amber Ledge and turn in the quest and get the follow up called Abduction. Once you have it return to the same place as you freed the prisoner for the last quest and attack a Beryl Sorcerer. Once he is near death use the arcane binder that you were given to capture him.


Return to Amber Ledge once again and turn in the quest. This will give you The Borean Inquisition which simply needs you to move into the tower just to the North East at 46,32 and talk to the inquisitor. You turn in your quest to him and get The Art of Persuasion.

To complete this quest you must torture the inmate until he talks. To do this you simply use the item that you were given a few times.


Once the inmate has talked you will get the quest Sharing Intelligence which just has you walk back to Librarian Donathan at 45,33 and talk to him. You then get A Race Against Time.

Travel south down the path again, but go a little further south to roughly 43,38 where you will find a glowing blue energy dome. Use the Beryl Shield Detonator that you were provided to destroy the shield and then fight and defeat Inquisitor Salrand. When you defeat her, she will drop a box that contains a broken key. Pick it up and return to Amber Ledge.


When you turn in the quest you will get Reforging the Key, which has you talk to the dragon Surristrasz behind you. He will fix the key for you and give you Taking Wing, then instructs you to talk to the Warmage Anzim behind him at 46,37. This quest is sometimes hard to see, because if someone recently accepted the question mark will not display for a short while. Just wait a minute and you will be able to talk to the Warmage.

Once you talk to Warmage Anzim he will give you the quest Rescuing Evanor and offer to fly you to the rescue. This is a very simple fly along quest in which you do nothing other than take a flight. When you land you will rescue Evanor and she will teleport you back to the tower with her.


Once you are back in the tower you can talk to Evanor and she will give you Dragon Speak and instruct you to talk to Surristrasz outside.

Speak to Surristrasz and get the quest Traversing the Rift. Once you accept the quest he will fly you across to the next quest hub in this guide the Transitus Shield on the isle of Coldarra.

Once there speak to the quest providers and get the following quests: Reading the Meters, Secrets of the Ancients, Basic Training, Nuts for Berries, and Have they no Shame?.


To complete this group of quests do a complete circuit around the outside of Coldarra. You can chose to go either way around the island. While on the trip around you need stop at the three caves along the outside of the island that house the reading orbs, and the one in the centre, which can be found in the crevasses around the Nexus. The four around the outside are found at: Southern: 28,24; Western: 22,24; Northern 21,20; and Nexus: 28,28.


While traveling around Coldarra you need to watch for Frostberry bushes. You can find them all over the island and they glitter when you are near them.


Also while making your circuit around the island, find and slay Coldarra Spellweavers. You can find them all over, but there is a nice concentration around 26,36 that you can kill if you get stuck.


Return to the shield and turn in all your quests, after which you will be able to get a number of follow ups. They are as follows: Quickening, Postponing the Inevitable, Hatching a Plan, and Keep the Secret Safe.

You can find the Coldarra Wyrmkin all around the island to slay to collect axes.


When you have enough axes move into the centre of the island to the Nexus, down one of the rifts. Here you will find many on the Mana Wyrms to collect the Nexus Mana Essence from.

While in the rift around the Nexus use the axes to destroy the eggs that you find there.


Turn in the quests back at the shield and get Drake Hunt. This one has you travel to around 24,31 to find a Drake circling in the sky. While the drake looks too far away to engage, the spear has a very long range itself. The best way to tell when you are in range it to put the spear on your tool bar and then run after a drake, when it allows you to use it you're in range. Once you capture the drake you have 3 minutes to get back to the shield to turn it in.


When you turn in Drake Hunt you will be given the quest Cracking the Code. For this quest, travel north to the circle found near 32, 28 and slay Inquisitor Caleras in the centre to gain the Azure Codex. Then slay enough Coldarra Spellbinders in the area to gain enough runes to complete the quest.


Make your way back to the shield and turn in the quest. By this point you should be level 71 or very near. You should make sure you are, by grinding any experience that you are missing out of the creatures in the area.


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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Byron has been playing and writing about World of Warcraft for the past ten years. He also plays pretty much ever other Blizzard game, currently focusing on Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone, while still finding time to jump into Diablo III with his son.


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