If you’ve already put a lot of miles into the console version of GTA Online but want to transfer over to the PC version for the shiny graphics and mods without losing your progress you’re in luck. Rockstar has made it extremely easy to move your progress between devices by saving all of the online data to your Rockstar Social account. Below are the exact steps you need to follow to move your progress from Xbox One or PS4 to your newly acquired PC copy.

Pre-Transfer Checklist:

There are a few things you' ll want to make sure are in order before loading up your PC copy of GTA5.

  • In game money that you have purchased will not transfer with your game data. Only money that has been earned in game will make the trip.
  • If you already have an Online character on your PC game, they will be replaced by the transferred character.

Transferring to PC:

  1. Make sure your GTA Online save data is tied to the Rockstar Social account you will be using.
  2. Open the PC version of the game, go to online and login using the same Rockstar Social account credentials as your Xbox/ Playstation account.
  3. If there is save game data tied to that account you will receive a prompt asking if you would like to transfer your online progress over. Select yes and the transfer will start. If you have more than one character on the account you will also receive the option of which character to transfer.
  4. Your progress has been transferred! It’s that easy.

Note: If you miss the prompt or accidentally cancel it you can get it back by going to the GTA Online pause menu and selecting the character transfer option.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Grand Theft Auto V Game Page.

Last Updated: Aug 07, 2021

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
