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We'll turn you from this...
Do you like PvE, but wish you could make it in the cut throat world of RvR? Do you enter a scenario without the slightest clue of how to PvP? Tired of being called "n00b", "candyass", and being told "go back to Hello Kitty and learn how to play your class, loser!"? Want to impress the girls (or the sexy Dark Elves who are most likely guys, but you pretend they're girls because otherwise it's just DAMN creepy!)? Well, if you've been a PvP wimp and you want 1000% more pwn when you RvR, then you need Ten Ton Hammer's Secrets to Ultimate Pwnage!
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... into THIS!
Yes, with this little guide you'll no longer be getting the proverbial sand kicked in your face! Learn the RvR secrets to unlock your hidden potential and stop totally sucking NOW! Our other hardcore guides give you hard facts, gear essentials, and equations for the effectiveness of your stats, but this is the guide written specifically for PvP/RvR novices and comes complete with trash talking advice! So if you're a Care Bear who wants to RvR without getting the virtual wedgie, then keep reading!
Black Orcs - "Mork has a hard-on for Black Orcs... because we kill everything we see!"
Very simply put, Black Orcs are the non-PvP'ers character of choice. With a massive amount of hit points, an ability that grants you extra hit points and heals you for that same amount, and a knockback, you pretty much become an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction. A SLOW juggernaut of destruction mind you, but you're damn hard to kill and for a novice to RvR, that's gold, baby.
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You have a few jobs in RvR, first and foremost being to hit stuff and by "stuff", we mean whoever is beating on your healer. The healer will then in turn shower with affection and by "affection", we mean heals. In your early levels, your taunt allows you to do 30% more damage to the taunted opponent and you want to use this often on people beating on your healer. They tend to run away or turn on you and away from the healer after they lose about 60% of their hit points. Later in your teens you'll get a new taunt that affects all foes in the area and cause them to do 30% less damage to anyone they hit who's not you. Spam this one as it'll benefit your healers and casters in the area as you wear down their attackers. At 18, you get an ability called "Big Slash". This ability has a knockback effect and was voted the #1 ability of choice for tanks by healers in a poll somewhere at some point in time... probably. If you play your cards right, you can knock people into lava, knock them off bridges, knock them over cliffs, the possibilities are almost endless and it clears the area in front of you, so make sure you stand right on top of the healer when you pop this.
Your second job is to hit things, and by "things" I mean casters and healers. Casters are your kryptonite and left alone they'll wear you down and kill you. Luckily, you have the best defense for this sort of thing... and that's a good offense. It's rare that a caster will try and go toe to toe with you and that's because they have about as many hit points as a wet kleenex, so be ready to use your "Trip 'em up" ability, which has DoT and a snare effect.
As a neophyte RvR'er always, always , ALWAYS have your buff "Da Toughest" up and running. This buff has a 25% chance to increase your already prodigious amount of hit points and at the same time, you will be healed by the same amount you were increased. This means that every 1 out of 4 hits you take can heal you, usually for a sizable amount, especially if you take the Path of 'Da Toughest which increases the effectiveness of this ability. You balk now, but when you're typically coming in the top 5 for heals in a scenario, you'll understand.
Trash talking as a Black Orc should involve phrases like "Is that the best you can do, you pansies?" and (as people are hitting you) "Huh, must be raining."
Shaman - "Let him be HE-YALLED!"
Shaman are the all purpose healers of the Greenskins. They use a build up of Waaagh! energy from Mork (or Gork) to enhance their heals or their attack spells. Shaman are a great cross between caster/healers and have great range, which keeps you out of harms way as a RvR newbie. Staying away from danger in RvR = always a good thing. Their ability to DPS as well as heal makes this a good class to ensure you're always involved in the action. That being said, be prepared to always be involved in the action! Learn this mantra well, "As a healer, I will die... a LOT!", because it will save you a ton of frustration. You are the #1 target of every person on the other side and they love you like a dog loves a fat piece of steak! However, as that one dude said back in the '80's, "Don't worry. Be happy." Chances are, even with multiple deaths, you'll still be in the top 5 of the healing parse with some mid range damage to boot!
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Pssst! Hey buddy... need a heal?
Shaman have one job and only one job, with a hobby on the side. Your job, and pay attention to this now because it's important, your job... is to HEAL PEOPLE! Shocking, we know, but it's true. You have a ton of abilities at your disposal for this task. Direct heals like "Gork'll Fix It", Heals over Time (HoT's) like "'Ey, quit Bleedin'!", and an ability that allows you to do damage and simultaneously heal your target for the damage dealt called "Bleed Fer Me". All of this takes up a lot of action points, but don't worry, you've got that covered too in an ability that allows you to siphon 180 action points from an enemy player called "Yer Not So Bad", a very annoying ability you can use to hinder casters and healers from the other team. Focus your heals on your tanks and melee DPS, as they are front line fighters, but keep an eye on the casters as well, as they're usually the first to be attacked and may need some assistance.
Your hobby is blowing things up. As a Shaman, you have a pretty decent amount of DPS at your disposal, with abilities like "Bunch of Waaagh!" and "Brain Bursta'!", that can help out when your group is doing pretty well on it's own for a few. However, you'll only have a chance to get off one spell before you need to get back to healing, so don't get crazy and don't worry about attacking the players attacking you. Heal yourself if need be, but remember your mantra and go down healing! People will love you for it and you'll avoid the dreaded scrolling wall of text of smart ass remarks like "Oh, don't heal me or anything! It's not like that's your CLASS!"
Trash talking as a healer isn't something that's normally done, but it does afford you some classic lines like "You just got your ass handed to you by a HEALER!!" followed up with emote laughter.
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