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We'll turn you from this...
Do you like PvE, but wish you could make it in the cut throat world of RvR? Do you enter a scenario without the slightest clue of how to PvP? Tired of being called "n00b", "candyass", and being told "go back to Hello Kitty and learn how to play your class, loser!"? Want to impress the girls (or the sexy Dark Elves who are most likely guys, but you pretend they're girls because otherwise it's just DAMN creepy!)? Well, if you've been a PvP wimp and you want 1000% more pwn when you RvR, then you need Ten Ton Hammer's Secrets to Ultimate Pwnage!
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... into THIS!
Yes, with this little guide you'll no longer be getting the proverbial sand kicked in your face! Learn the RvR secrets to unlock your hidden potential and stop totally sucking NOW! Our other hardcore guides give you hard facts, gear essentials, and equations for the effectiveness of your stats, but this is the guide written specifically for PvP/RvR novices and comes complete with trash talking advice! So if you're a Care Bear who wants to RvR without getting the virtual wedgie, then keep reading!
The Choppa - "Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, I'm comfortable with that. I am enlightened."
In the beginning (often known as Beta), there were Choppas... and it was good. Then there was change, and the faithful didn't like it one bit! The Change took Choppas out of the game before launch, and there was a great upheaval in the faithful. The battle was short (because there was really nothing we could do about it) and many lives were lost (not really, but it sounds better this way), but the desire for the Choppa remained strong amongst the WAR faithful. In time, our faith was rewarded and the Choppa was brought forth and there was much celebrating... only on the Destruction side though. Order hates them with a passion.
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We'll always remember this day as the day we totally killed Jaks Parrow
The Choppa is the newest Greenskin career in Warhammer Online, and they make the Black Orcs look downright intelligent in nature. As a Orc, Choppa's love to fight. However, as a Choppa, they may love to fight more than any other Orc out there. That's why they throw themselves into the enemies front lines as if there was free cake right behind them (yes, cake. Orc's leave the pie for the Gobbos. They also choose ninjas over pirates, but Vikings over all). a group of marauding Choppa's is a scary thing really. A sea of green mowing down everything in sight, without a care in the world for their own safety. Unlike their Dwarven counterparts, the Slayers, the Choppa's have no deep seeded emotional reason for fighting. They just do, in the same way that Zombies hunger for brains, teenagers need to text message every three minutes, and why Dr. Manhattan runs around naked for two and a half hours, making you wonder "Seriously, did they have to follow the graphic novel THAT closely?". It's just what they do.
The Choppa fills the role of the Melee DPS for the Greenskins, however, you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. The Dwarven Slayer works almost exactly the same as you do, just... y'know, with a side of emo tossed into the lore. The Slayer has a mohawk, the Choppa has body paint, making them easily recognizable. The Slayers do wicked amounts of damage, the Choppas do wicked amounts of damage. Both work off the Berserk mechanic, where you build "rage" and how much you have is measured on your Berserk meter. From 0-25% is safe and you do normal damage, from 25-75% (known as Furious) is optimal and here you get a bonus to your damage, while suffering no damage mitigation penalties, and from 75% + (known as Berserk) you get a big bonus to your damage, but also suffer a huge penalty to your damage mitigation.
What sort of things build rage? Anything. You attack someone, you take damage, you sneeze, the wind blows in from the south, etc. You name it, it builds rage. Staying in the Furious zone is the key to your success, as you maximize damage while balancing your mitigation of damage as well. Going into the Berserk zone may give you more damage, but you'll be taking the big dirt nap in a few seconds, so it really doesn't get you anywhere. Also, some of your abilities only give you extra damage when you're Furious, so Berserk can hurt you there as well. You'll get a series of abilities that allow you to exhaust your rage, thus helping you to keep yourself in Furious mode. Use these every fourth or fifth attack and you should be ok. You may need to use them earlier if you're building rage too quickly.
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I'm king o' da hill, ma!
As a Choppa, you'll want to rely on your AoE attacks and your snare, even though you only have two of them. These do the most damage over an area, maximizing your damage potential while building rage quickly, thus allowing you to do even more damage. You'll get your snare at level 3 with "Don't Go Nowhere". This does a bit of damage, but keeps your main target from running away. "Lotsa Choppin" at level 4 allows you to hit your target, plus two others in range, for a pretty nice slice of damage. Also, it recharges fast so you can spam it! You get a group of Choppas together using this ability, and there's not a lot of foes who will be able to stand for very long against you. Your second AoE comes at level 6 with "Wild Choppin'". This ability also burns off some of the rage you've built up, so using it will also help keep you from going Berserk. Your positional attack comes at level 7. "Go For Da' Soft Spot" does a sizeable amount of damage and is extremely useful for when you're chasing down the enemy, especially if their squishy. Use this when you're able or when you're focused on a single target instead of a group. "Charge" at level 10, will help you quickly get behind enemy lines without using your power up, so make sure to target the caster or healer and get on top of them before they know it. A healer/caster who's running or worried about getting beat on isn't healing or tossing out mega-damage spells on your team mates.
As a class goes, the Choppa can be fun to play, but tricky. They do stupid amounts of damage and nothing is more satisfying than taking down a caster who thought he had you nailed down. It's important to remember that it's a challenge to keep your Berserk gauge in the Furious zone while paying attention to the chaos going on around you as well.
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