Best SMG Build. Whether you're new to Division 2, or an experienced player, it's still important to find a best build. In this case, here's an amazing Rifle/Marskman build that shreds through absolutely everything. Championed by CRAYG, it needs a little bit of luck on rolls, and you'll have to reach level 35 of the Season Pass. However, it's not too difficult to get together.
- Specialization: Demolition
- Primary Weapon: Dark Winter (Perfect Killer Talent)
- Secondary Weapon: Police T8T1 or MPX with
- Mask: Coyote's Mask (Season Pass)
- Chest: Solokov (Unbreakable Talent)
- Holster: Solokov
- Backpack: Solokov (CompanionTalent)
- Gloves: Airaldi Holdings
- Knee Pads: Solokov
- Abilities: Your own preferences.
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