U.I. isn’t perfect. It’s not a complete
disaster, thanks to the efforts of my wife, but it’s not
picture perfect either. Despite its failings my U.I. does have one
thing going for it, I designed it. What I mean by this is I went out,
picked the mods I wanted, downloaded them, placed them carefully on my
screen based on my needs and bam my personal U.I. was born.

This is in my opinion the ideal way to perfect your U.I and the mods
that inhabit it, through trial and error combined with your own
personal selections. However, it seems that every day addon packages
become even more popular. As such I decided to review one of these
packages to see what all the hype was about, and if it downloading an
addon package made completing your U.I. any easier.

Package Name:
Raid Frames
Addon Package

Raiding Package


: href=""

Since I’ve done quite a bit of raiding in my day and because
my own personally designed U.I. was created for the sole purpose of
raiding, I decided to go with a raiding addon pack for my review so I
definitely had something to compare it to. I ventured to (my
preferred download spot for all mods) and brought up the section
specifically for addon packages. I was instantly amazed at the number
of addon packages out there and sifted through them until I finally
decided to go with the package with the most downloads, I mean that had
to count for something right?

The package that was at the head of the pack was compiled by
AxnJackson11 (that name makes me laugh every time I read it), and
contains a whopping thirty-four mods. You heard right, thirty-four
mods, including well known mods such as Recount, Omen, and Grid, and
some mods that I had never heard of before such as EavesDrop and
Postal. Watching as my Curse Client downloaded all thirty-four mods I
could only think one thing; what have I gotten myself in to?

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Screenshot of what this addon
package looks like straight from the box.

With this addon pack AxnJackson11
claims to have combined every mod
that the typical WoW player will need to run heroics and raids while
managing your mail and auctions all with minimum memory usage and set
up. Axn even goes so far to say that upon installation your U.I. should
look automatically like the examples pictured on the Curse website. If
AxnJackson11’s addon package would live up to these
expectations remained to be seen.

So it was with bated breath that I loaded up my game and to my ultimate
surprise, my U.I. was not a complete disaster. As Axn stated, at first
glance most the mods appeared to be functioning and in their proper
places. Taking a more detailed look around I found that with just a
little bit of movement and resizing, my U.I. looked almost exactly like
the example shown.

The real test, however, came when I ventured into an instance. Would
the package hold up to the test?  I was pleasantly surprised,
everything I could possibly think of that I needed for raiding was on
my screen. Once again I had to move a few things, and tweak a few mods
to my liking, but for the most part I was ready to raid with very
little work on my part. To top it off even though I had just downloaded
thirty-four mods the game still ran at it’s usual standards.
However, since there are so many mods, even though they appear to be
lightweight it may prove to be a problem for those with less awesome
computers than my own.

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An example of what this addon
package could make your U.I look like.

The addon package wasn’t all
sunshine and roses though, and
even after using it I find that I am still opposed to downloading addon
packages. My reasoning behind this lies in the fact that even while
downloading a package you are still going to end up setting up,
configuring, and moving the mods around unless the person who compiled
the package is nice enough to send you their personal files. Not to
mention if there are any mods in the package that you are not familiar
with, you will end up spending unnecessary time trying to figure out
exactly what the mod does and how exactly to work it. 

Don’t let my negativity deter you though, if the mods
provided in this package are exactly what you are looking for,
don’t hesitate to download it. It will give you everything
you need to start your raiding and instance career with the click of
the button and some simple setup. I still stand by statement that it is
a far better idea to individually pick your mods, then download and
customize them one by one though. This way you get exactly what you
want and need and only what you want and need creating the perfect U.I.
for you.

Do you use this addon package or one similar to it? Join us on our
forums and share your experiences!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Amunet, also fondly known as Memtron, is an organic life form best known for its ongoing obsession with Blizzard Entertainment's numerous properties. To that end, Amu has authored hundreds (thousands?) of the most popular World of Warcraft guides, editorials, and Top 10 lists on the planet. When not gaming and writing, Amu is busy chasing after her three children in a perpetual loop of ongoing disaster.


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