Allods Online, the sci-fi fantasy MMOG developed by Astrum Nival, has just announced new features in their upcoming expansion: Revelations of Gipat. As far as patches and expansions go, this seems to have quite a bit in it. It’s also refreshing that they’re responding to player feedback in adding new features.

New end-game content to Patch 1.1 includes three new bosses to Gorluxor’s Tower! Players will now be able to test their strength against Zalmar the Twisted, the elusive Orcish necromancer Strina the Fierce, and the vampire that’s harder to kill than a cockroach, Armando de Doucer.

Get the details of the new features in Revelations of Gipat.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Allods Online Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
