Bleeding Edge looks amazing, and having entered Alpha testing, its second test is about to begin. Ninja Theory have released a quick FAQ, no doubt to calm the sheer abundance of repetitive questions they're receiving. There's no doubt this game should be on your radar, and if you want a chance to play, head here. See the FAQ below.
Hey guys!
We’re gearing up for our second play test of the Bleeding Edge technical alpha and we couldn’t be more excited!
As many of you know this is a new experience for Ninja Theory and we’ve spent a lot of time discussing the amazing feedback we’ve received from the participants in last week’s play test, and the wider community.
We’ve been glued to the forums, checking our social channels and we’ve also been blown away by the success of the fan operated Bleeding Edge Discord!
Now that the smoke has cleared from our first play test, we’ve been able sit down and focus on answering some of the questions our community has been asking:
1. “I’ve signed up but haven’t been invited. How come?”
We really appreciate that you’re all eager to play Bleeding Edge, and we’re working as hard as we can to make sure the game is the best it can be for everyone to enjoy!
Your survey answers and location are what we’re using to create groups of players for our play tests. In other words, we’re starting with controlled groups of players in each region to make sure our online services are as solid as they can be. Whilst this means we can’t invite everyone at the start, it does mean you’ll get a much better experience if you’re selected to play!
2. “When will you be adding more people?”
We will be consistently adding more players and regions throughout the technical alpha. We really appreciate that so many people want to play.
3.“ When do the tests happen?”
Presently we hold weekly tests every Thursday. If you are invited, we will send you an email which includes your local testing time as we provide online services located for different regions around the world. As Bleeding Edge is in tech alpha, the test times could change but we will of course keep you updated!
4. “How long does the alpha last for?”
The Bleeding Edge technical alpha will continue to run for the foreseeable future, with weekly tests and more users being added as and when we can guarantee an awesome experience for everyone!
5. “When is the technical alpha coming to PC?”
As soon as we can get it up and running! We’re working very hard on this and will let you all know as soon as it is done…WE PROMISE!
6. “Where’s my code? Do I get a code? Someone mentioned a code…”
When we announced Bleeding Edge at E3 we distributed some promotional codes to people who visited our booth and played Bleeding Edge at E3. These codes are entirely promotional and are not required to play in the technical alpha.
We do not give out codes via email as part of anz invitation to the technical alpha.
If you receive an email from the Bleeding Edge team saying that you’ve been invited to the tech alpha, then your Xbox Live is already good to go. Head over to the Xbox Insider Hub to get the game and start playing!
As always, your continued feedback is essential for us to keep improving Bleeding Edge. We’ll continue to support the community to the best of our ability and keep you updated throughout the technical alpha.
Thanks everyone!
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