From the Blizzard never ceases to amaze you department. 

A new cartoon television show that will be aired on Fox has had a trademark dispute filed against it by Blizzard. 

The show is called HouseBroken.  The dog in the show is called Diablo.   

Fox Media has tried to trademark the name in order to sell dog bowls, cups, etc.  Blizzard feels that this infringes on their rights and has filed a Notice of Opposition.   Blizzard believes that, "it is likely that members of the public will erroneously believe that Applicant’s [Fox] Goods offered under the DIABLO mark originate with, or are in some manner connected or associated with, or sponsored by, Opposer [Blizzard], all to the harm of Opposer’s goodwill and reputation." and that it would "be likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive".

"it is likely that members of the public will erroneously believe that Applicant’s [Fox] Goods offered under the DIABLO mark originate with, or are in some manner connected or associated with, or sponsored by, Opposer [Blizzard], all to the harm of Opposer’s goodwill and reputation." and that it would "be likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive".

Are any of you worried that you might confuse the dog in the following video with the video game?  What about the Lamborghini Diablo or the reference to the Devil? 

Is anyone, anywhere confused by these two IPs?

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Last Updated: May 04, 2021
