Dark Age of Camelot is my favorite MMO of all time. Between that and Neocron, most of my youth was taken up fighting other players online for territory. While DAoC is still playable, under the stewardship of EA and Broadsword, it hasn't really been adapted for a modern audience (leveling is particularly slow). Fortunately, Phoenix Freeshard is about to change all that, and will operate not too disimilarly to the Return to Reckoning project. Having already gone through stress tests, Phoenix Freeshard is no preparing for launch on January 12, 2019. 

Over the last few days I've dived onto their Forums, and Discord, and have been chatting to the team behind it, as well as many of the players already flooding to the game. I'm excited for it, and I think anyone who doesn't mind old-school MMO's with a new flavor, it's one to dive into. 

You can find the official website here, Discord here, Forum here and Twitter here. See you on Hibernia! 

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Last Updated: Jan 02, 2019

About The Author

Lewis is a long standing journalist, who freelances to a variety of outlets.
