The latest Riders of Icarus trailer strays away from the Dragons and mounts of the game, and instead gives us a quick look at the different classes players can choose from. At launch you will be able to play as a Guardian, Priest, Assassin, Wizard, or Berserker. 

As you might have guessed, the Guardian takes the role of tank in your group, priest healer, assassin is a melee damage dealer, wizard is you spellcaster, and the berserker looks to be a more armored version of the assassin (we assume at a loss of damage output).

While we don't get any specifics as to what the classes abilities are, at least we know what there will be available to choose from.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Riders of Icarus Game Page.

Last Updated: May 25, 2016

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
