In crazy fashion, Trove has added "Meownts" and caterpillar mounts to the game.
Cat lovers rejoice: Meownts have come to Trove! These absolutely purr-fect mounts are now available as a very rare drop from enemies or as a reward for defeating Dungeons and Lairs.
Once you’ve found one of these fine felines, you can craft an even more fantastic cat to get just the look you want – pick from a litter of Martial, Immortal, Steam, Ice Blue, Magic, and mighty Mecha Meownts.
This is a pretty cool addition, but I like the new butterfly companions even more:
Butterfly pets are colorful companions who provide lots of help in a pinch, boosting your energy regeneration and throwing out restorative flowers to reward your smiting of foes.
Trove is a free-to-play world building adventure game, similar to Minecraft but you have your own plot of land you can drag along with you throughout the world. Updates like these are semi-regular and the game is full of not only cool loot like this, but player made items as well. Just recently, a ton of player created coolness was added to the game.
This update is part of the "Welcoming Edition" which includes a new welcome screen, some bug fixes, and daily bonuses as follows:
* Daily bonuses are now live! In addition to the current +100% cubits on weekends, there are now the following bonuses:
- - Monday: +20% gain to harvesting resources
- - Tuesday: +50% gain to ore
- - Wednesday: +100% gain to glim acquired through adventuring
- - Thursday: +50% gain monster drops on Thursdays (including adventure boxes)
- - Friday: +50% gain to shards (both Radiant and Shadow)
You can also now adjust the LoD in Trove, a much demanded feature.
You can read the full patch notes here.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Trove Game Page.